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Eddie and you went back to your place to enjoy the sandwiches you bought.

Your Venom and his took over some next door cats. Now they are just in the living room swishing their tails at each other. Glaring, growling, cursing each other in cat tones. 

"So how did you start to realize his possession toward you?" Eddie and you watch the cats stand circling around each other. 

"Well, I had a neighbor who would always say hi to me. One day he asked me out on a date. Next thing I knew."

"Turned to a big monster and ate his head." Eddie says smiling with a nod as if he can relate.

Chuckling you covered your mouth. "All of him actually. Could you imagine how I felt. Like I had a sweet guy ask me out and then I just ate him!" 

Eddie's smile seemed to be forced as he looked down at his sandwich. "Oh Eddie. I didn't mean. I."

"It's fine." He says taking a big bite of his sandwich. Apart of him is saddened to hear you liking a guy and the other part of him is happy that he got eaten. 

"She's mine!" 

Your venom screams out from the cat.

"She's ours!" Eddie's Venom screams back as both cats start fighting. 

"Guys come on!" You get up grabbing a pillow and tossing it at them. The black feline held a red tone color that you never noticed until now. "Might as well call you Red. Stop the confusion of having two Venoms."

"Call me Carnage." He says purring.

Venom growling in his cat form. "That is a good idea." He runs to Eddie rubbing up against his leg. 

Petting Carnage's head he slid out a long tongue up against your neck. 

Eddie and you sat together on the sofa. Him holding his cat Venom and you holding Carnage. 

Wasn't long till you both accidentally fell asleep with the tv on. 

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