His Birdie

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The serial killer asked you something before you engaged on your acts.

"Does it hurt?" The question he asked you wasn't in concern of what pain you will give him.

Looking into his eyes he became lost in how colorless yours were.

"I don't know." You respond pulling out a chair to sit down and have a small talk with him.

"Family problems?" He asks while you look down at his shoes. Reaching out you untie them and remove them.

"No." You respond.

He asks another.

"Anti social?" Removing his socks you shove them in his shoes and examine the size of the shoes.

"No. I actually had a good family." Looking up your eyes seemed to show some light.

"I had a friend. I had a

good home a good family."

The serial killer moved his jaw for a bit. "You're just sick." He continued. "Is that it?"

Closing your hands together you smiled and nodded your head in a yes. The man smirked and laughed for a bit till he spat down at your face.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." He began to squirm and a split second your eyes lost color as you stood up letting him squirm and say his threats.

"Time takes away these few moments. Is there anything better to be said?"

Grabbing the handle of your favorite sharpened knife you slowly turned around to him as you wore a lamb mask.

"You think you are a god? You think you have control!? You will never know love! You will never know anything! I am the real bad guy here! Not you!"

Tilting your head to the side you slowly walked over to him as he kept struggling lashing out his words and at last he stopped.

"God...please..send me down to hell with her." Lowering the knife you tilt your head as he started a shaking laughter. "Please don't!" he starts to fake it. Acting like a victim, mocking the tones.

"I have heard it all before! I know exactly what to say in this small performance of ours! You want me to be scared! To feel what victims feel!"

He's figured it out, figured you out.

The knives reflection showed the gate behind you as the lights shined the dark room. The man licked his lips as he started to sing.

"Here comes the bride!"

The sound of a helicopter echoed the farm. The sound of men screaming sounded behind the gates.

"All dressed in white!"

Gunshots filled the room. Slowly looking behind your shoulder you knew police arrived. But you can't let this man escape.

"I wish it was red!"

Slowly walking up to him the reflection of the gates on your knife showed the gates bursting open with a swarm of sheep and lambs. Blood covered their bodies.

"Then you'd all be dead."

They tried to bite on his legs and fingers.

They were crazy! Attempting to pile up to get to his face jumping like dogs chomping their jaws as the man screamed.

"He's mine!"

You lashed the knife on the sheep and lambs that you trained to become cannibals.

Some police officers rushed toward the light from the side open door. The light being the wide space room in which where you stood.

The officer watched in horror as the sheep started to eat the wounded. A lamb walked over liking it's lips before it rushed toward the officers.

Raising your arms up you started to spin in a circle as they slowly started to follow. Circling around the room following your movements.

Attempting to keep them from attacking the officers.

The other side of the room, the gates slammed opened as more police with sheep swarmed out bleeding, crashing against the others.

The sheep that came in were injured by bullets. Officers ran in the room watching the sheep swarm around in a riot running over injured sheep's.

There in the center you stood wearing your lamb mask holding the knife.

Your victim was still alive laughing through it all. Dropping the knife the blade fell first going through the ground.

Whistling you raised your hand as the sheep looked around and slowly begun to run back into the other side of the room.

"Little bird." He says in a more sweeter tone. "They are going to cage you now, little birdie."

The police forced you down on the ground as he watched with a smile. The officer removed your lamb mask letting your hair flow down covering your face. The man watched in silence.

"Little birdie?"

You finally raise your head up with tears as you shook breaking down. The mans smile faded away seeing you break down before them all.

"Now why would you do such a thing?"

He says with scanning eyes. "Is it because you couldn't kill me little birdie?" The officers forced you to stand up making you stagger for a bit.

Turning to look back at him with your broken down expression. It made him feel so confused on how you held such a strong character through all you have done, but now you are crying! Men in uniform started to work on the chains surrounding his body but his eyes were lost in yours.

The officer started to move you away, turning your back against him. "They are going to cage my little birdie." That is whats making you break down.

You didn't want to get caught, he was your last kill. The one you were after the entire time he being the reason why you become who you are.

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