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Tony, Peter and Fury watched Kasady walking around the glass container that was used for Loki. Every time they entered there was an unsettling feeling, Kasady made everyone unsettled.

There was clearly something wrong with this guy.

"I'm confused." Peter says.

Tony shakes his head, not sure.
They were to tapwire the room but then some shit went down and they ended up capturing this guy.

"Hey, ginger!"

Kasady froze in place slowly turning to  look at Tony with a wide smile.

"Fucking creepy." Tony shook, rubbing his arms as he walked up to the glass chamber. "Is there something we missed?" Tony slams a picture of Eddie and you against the glass.

"How did you get the same abilities as them? How many of you are there?"

Kasady walked up to the glass crossing his arms. Looking at your picture he rubbed his jawline chuckling as he turned around walking away from him.

Tony was flabbergasted. "Aaa, hello! Do you speak English?"

Kasady rubbed the back of his neck swinging his head as he started to whistle a sweet tune.

Fury walked up to Tony.

"Cletus Kasady." Fury says with authority.
Kasady turned around, raising his arms up. "That's my name!" He says laughing. "Mind explaining to us what you were doing in y/ns apartment?"

Kasady walked around smiling toward them. Transforming into Carnage smashing his hands against the glass.

"I am what you wanted! You have me now! It's only me!. I am what you wanted!"

Carnage licked the glass leaving a trail of blood.

Transforming back Kasady winked at them as he started to walk away swinging his arms clapping his hands together, continuing to whistle that ghostly sweet tune.

"This isn't right. How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Tony asks as Kasady just examined the top of the glass chamber resting his chin between his fingers.
"Because, I stole Carnage from her."

The three men looked at each other.

"Enough with the cryptic talk, just spill the beans. If, and if you continue to fuck with me."

The doors beneath his glass prison opened revealing the sky's bellow. "I'll see if you can fly, am I understood?"

A maniacal laugh escaped Kasay as he was thrilled by their idea slowly walking up to the glass staring at Fury in the eye.
"Then do it."

Carnage takes form as he steps to the center of his imprisonment.

Peter's mouth opened slightly as if wanting to intervene but Tony paused his thought by simply looking at the boy.

Carnage was willing to go beyond the limits of his own life just to save a girl. So much so that he seared Fury, and Fury knew this was just a game to Carnage. Kasady was the vessel and Carnage was the real dreamer of the future.

Fury lowered his hand feeling the red button in his palm as he stared off with the Red Devil behind him that was waiting.

It was waiting.

A girl that has never once understood what it meant to have a peace of mind. For a girl whose childhood was stolen from her and no heroes were there to save her.

Instead the most sickest and psychotic thing happened which made you think perhaps you were just sick in the head. But everything felt real, everyone looked real.

"Don't.." you cover your head feeling a sharp pain.
"It's fine, I'm here." Venom soothed your mind.

There's no medication in the world to cure you from your trauma.

To lose someone else.
"Why does it hurt?" You fought back the tears as your mind fought with the influences of seeing your dead friend.

"Why, why now?"
Venom attempted all he could but this was you. This was your battle.
"You have to let her go y/n."

Venom said beside your shoulder.
"I can't! I -" your throat felt dry and tight as your heart ached.

"Venom, I can't lose him. I just can't lose someone else.."

Venom covered your body into a thin black suit.
"I understand it's difficult to release your pain. But you have to let go y/n. Focus on the living, not the dead."

The black creature that stood in the center of the street with pedestrians caught the attention you had wanted.

Crouching down you hissed and lashed out at anyone who even got near you.

Flipping over cars and tossing them over buildings the destruction you wanted was more than you could have ever craved.

Venom was being poisoned by you so much so he understood now the comparability of you and Carnage.
"Focus y/n! Focus!"

Chasing people around you grabbed hold of one threatening to eat him. Taunting his existence and reminding him just how he waited for it all.

"Nothing but meat suits. Nothing but pathetic humans all around me!"

Stopping you turned to look behind you, seeing her.
"You, you were the werewolf the entire time?"

You turned to face the ghost of your friend.
"Why? Why couldn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend. We promised to always be there! Close like sisters!"

You backed away hearing the pain in her voice as she walked toward you. "You promised to be the strong one! You promised that we would be together! Why did you lie!"

Closing your hand against your face shaking your head side to side wanting her voice to stop.

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