Just a taste

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It's been days and every night there is a battle between you and Carnage. The boy, Peter. You've talked to Tony on this being a complicated situation but you won't have Carnage or Kasady hurt. 

Your day and night life has been a stalking routine for Kasady. 

Carnage would take the form of a hooded sweater to keep Kasadys identify hidden. 

In this way he could walk around concealing his face. You as well attempted to maintain a normal profile.

 This was your plan, keep your identities hidden until the radar of search was off. 

"Listen to me on this, Kasady." 

Carnage peeled his face back revealing Kasady. "Little birdie has a proposal for me? Hmm?" He laughed for a bit. "And what would my little birdie suggest? Our little game isn't over." 

Using your webbing to hang upside down Kasady walked up to you. "Hmm? I'm waiting." 

Your reason of a long silence was because of you being in shock. That he was willing to listen to your plan. "That we stay off the grid for sometime. Stop killing in other words. Only for our hunger will we hunt." 

Kasady hummed. "Oh! But my hunger drives far more than that. What must I do till then?"

Venom peeled his face back revealing yours. 

"Walk among the people, just as I have done." 

Kasady's smile faded away his eyes looking into yours. Looking away to the side he moved in a bit closer his hand moving up. Feeling the ends of your hair pile into his palms. Sliding his fingers on the strands feeling the softness. 

Carnage boiled for a bit, he misses being yours and that sadness has rubbed off on Kasady. How he has missed you. 

Kasady was being sweet toward you. He attempts to keep his other crazy profile up but he seems to just fall into being sweet toward you. Showing you his sweet side. He wants to be someone with you. 

Seems like you are the only one who would who would accept him for who he is.

"Was it hard for you? To be seen like everyone else?" His green eyes slowly moved up to your lips. 


He seemed to be hurt to hear that. 

"How so?" 

His hands rose up sliding his fingers on your scalp. Gently sliding his fingers out of your hair, grabbing a handful he slid his hand down. Feeling your hair sliding in-between his palms.

"Carnage can show you." 

Kasady shook his head head. "I want to hear it from you.."

Your eyes still held no bright color. Your emotions were controlled and solid. 

Kasady knew you had the ability to shut off your emotions and be a cold hearted killer. But there was a conscious. Unlike other killers, thieves, liars, you have a clear mind. A mind that's strong willed. 

But you know exactly how to hurt a man. 

You knew exactly how to hurt him, how to play his games and bring him down. Yes he mocks you, but he knows you're smart. Knows you don't find pleasure in the things you do. Knows that you don't feel yourself as God when you punish others. 

In fact you had an agenda.

Kasady started to bite the inside of his bottom lip as he imagined the savory sweetness of your lips.

"Carnage can tell you." You say again in a stubborn tone. 

Kasady gripped your hair roughly as he leaned up to your lips but you gripped his neck. You can feel his lips pressed at the side of yours. A wide smile spreading across them as he chuckled. 

"Don't use that stupid tone with me birdie. I'll follow your plan but I want something in return. I need something to keep me sane. "

You keep an emotionless expression. He felt your lips slightly part with the sweet air that escaped when you spoke. 

"Depends. What are you wanting?" 

Kasady shut his eyes slightly rubbing his lips on the side of yours. Your fingers dug into his throat making him growl as he reached up to your black webbing pulling it down. 

His tongue traced your neck as he stopped. "Nothing for now. But be prepared when I ask for it."

Releasing his neck you flipped down to your feet. 

Kasady quickly pushed your back up against the wall. Your fingernails dug into his sides as he shut his eyes growling. "Little birdie. You know I like it rough. But I'm not sure if that's the same for  you." 

Your eyes widened with a blush as you shoved him back. Kasady smirked as Venom covered your face. "Step of the ledge weirdo." Venom says.

Kasady held his hands up in surrender as he started walking back until he fell off the ledge of the building. With Venom being with you, Kasady has no chance. He has to get you when Venom isn't around.

You will return Venom back to Eddie. But Kasady has to behave. 

You have him cornered. 

"Smart little birdie."

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