For You

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Venom stood up. "Whoa! Hold up! We visited that guy after visiting y/n. He confessed. Said that he had done it all. Killed all those people. Why would he take the blame?" 

Carnage continued to watch the raindrops. "I don't know why he took the blame. She did the unspeakable. Maybe he wanted the fame."

Venom shakes his fluffy body. "No. The way he spoke of her, he made it sound as if it were him completely. 

He took the blame so that she could be found innocent.

Even he said it, that she is innocent. 

His words were, the little birdie caged alone in another cell. She is innocent. 

He confessed."

"It doesn't matter Venom! What matters is that she is mine and I am hers. I will protect her from anything." 

Venom turns to face him. "You are doing the opposite of that, Carnage. You are putting her at risk and we care for her. We want her safe."

"What do you expect of me Venom?" 

Venom finally sits down. "If you love her. Let her live a normal life. Look at them Carnage."

They look at you and Eddie snuggled up together. "We can protect her. If you care about her safety leave her to us. We will love her without hurting her."

Carnage's ears twitch as he tilts his head watching your sweet sleeping face. So peaceful with no nightmares. "To leave her, alone."

Carnage looks away at the window. Red limbs slide open the window as he leaps onto the metal stairs. 

"You will keep her safe, Venom?" 

Carnage looks up to Venom who purrs. Carnage looks away making his way down. 

Walking on the alley with the rain pouring down. Keeping his head down he can see you asleep in Eddie's arms. Remembering all those sweet times he's been with you.


You would look over your shoulder seeing him holding smaller versions of himself. "I made us babies." A blush would cross your cheeks with a chuckle. 

That sweet smile that escaped meant so much to him. Especially if it was because of him. He knew you feared of falling in love with anyone. Feared of them learning your dark past. 

But with Eddie who has visited you before. Understands you better than any other man. Carnage just didn't want you to hurt.

He loved you like no other would.

A Symbiote who has set his fiber being to his host. But perhaps Venom is right. Maybe you will be much happier with Eddie. Venom will keep you safe, hopefully. 

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