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Throwing on your coat with a piece of toast in your mouth Kasady pulled you in close before you grabbed the door knob.

With a wide smile he bit down on your other half of the toast. "Mmmurm." You mumbles with whatever was left in your mouth. 

Kasady laughed kissing your cheek. "I'll be here." He says a bit more seriously rubbing the tip of his nose against yours. You chewed slowly from how he said it. 

"I'll bring pizza." 

You say to enlighten the mood. 

"Yass!" Carnage popped out from Kasady's shoulder licking your cheek. "Extra meats!!" 

Kasady raised an eyebrow at Carnage agreeing with that 

 Chuckling your kisses Kasady and Carnage's cheek as you left. 

Kasadys smile faded away as he traced his fingers on his cheek. 

Stepping into the living room he shoved the sofa away and sat down in the center. "Are you ready, Carnage?" 

Kasady says looking at his reflection through the tv.


Kasady closed his eyes. "If they capture us, they will leave her alone. She can… have a normal life. She, can."

Kasady looks at the floor grinding his teeth. "Be with Eddie. We can't give her the life she wants. It was a stupid fantasy! How could we have ever imagined to have a family?! How could we make her happy?! 

A monster like me! What could I possibly ever do?! What could we ever manage?! Life was hard enough for her. For me, an escaped prisoner. I can't get a job! I can't sustain her! Or a family! Or a home! 

There will be no bride in a dress! No home with flowered bushes on the side. No green grass or lemonade. No daughter. Not family. Nothing!"

Carnage listens on the side of Kasady's shoulder. The symbiote was silent, a creature like himself to feel let down. To feel this useless its just something Carnage never felt with you. 

But you have changed Kasady and he has changed you. 

The door opened as people in outfits entered quietly. 

Kasady transformed and charged toward them. 


Heading back home with the box of pizza already imagining how happy your boys would be. 

Cop cars passed by with ambulance and a firetruck. 

Watching them you were frozen when they all stopped at the apartment. 

Slowly walking over you rested the box of pizza on the police car. 

Standing perfectly still you watched frozen in place. Just denying that anything happened. 

Slowly walking past officers and the people it's as if no one saw you. Sliding your hand against the bloody walls from the halls you shattered envisioning it all so clear. 

The thick warm blood that slid down to your palm. Slowly looking to the side you saw your neighbor dead, his back against the wall. 

Slowly moving your head you saw 5 doors smashed open. An officer leaving one to enter into the other. They couldn't have done this. 

Walking on the bloody slippery halls you were like a zombie. Blank minded only moving to one certain spot. Stopping in place you saw the shattered window with a body hanging out. 

Lowering your eyes down you were too scared. Not wanting to admit that there is much more to be seen. Inhaling deeply you turned to the right seeing your door open with a covered up body at the front. 

Tilting your head you removed the white blanket seeing the wide eyes corpse. Suddenly your expression hardened as you knelt down removing his gun from the holster. 

Checking the magazine you shoved it back inside and slid back the slide loading the Glock 34. 

Grabbing all the magazines you walked into the living room raising the gun. 

Squeezing the trigger the bullet shot out with the kickback of the gun. The bullet hit the back head of an officer. Just all seemed so slow in your mind, you were cold and calm. 

Opening and closing your eyes you could hear him saying he would be here waiting for you. 

The officer reached for his gun but you already moved your sim toward him shooting him in the head as well. 

And officer behind from the kitchen came in and you just turned your wrist not even looking. As you shot him right in the throat. 

Looking at the bodies on the floors you examined the room. Scars on the walls where he seemed to have had his back up against it. Climbing up as if trying to get away from something. Tilting your head to the side seeing it all through your eyes. 

Looking down at the bodies you can see them standing but you know they had something in their hands. They used something against Carnage and Kasady. 

Turning back to the kitchen where the table was smashed in half with a body you took his gun as well. 

Stepping out of the apartment you raised the guns up firing at the officers and paramedics. Entering the neighbors rooms you examined everything. Carnage smashed through the door, through then went through the walls. 

"What was he rubbing away from?" Stepping through the hole in the wall you looked down at your dead neighbors. 

Carnage didn't mean to lash out at them. He probably used spikes in hopes to hit whomever was making him suffer. Looking at the walls seeing bloody holes. 

Going through the other hole in the wall you examined the center of the room. Kneeling down you slide your fingers through the thick blood. 

Seeing him on his knees screaming digging his claws through the floor. He was almost separated from Kasady but Carnage held onto Kasady just as Kasady fought to stay with Carnage. 

"They were suffering from something. They were almost being torn apart. But Carnage won't leave Kasady unprotected." 

Getting up you slid open the window and started climbing down the stairs. 

"Hey!" An officer said from the end of the alley. You kept walking away aiming and shooting him.

"I'll find you my love." 

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