Chapter Four

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"Garrett." I sighed shifting in my seat.


"No. If she wanted me to know something she'd tell me."

"She's a celebrity Gemma."

"She's a human with feelings Garrett. She didn't tell me she cut for a reason, now when I look at her I just feel guilty for her finding my scars."

"Gemma that's not your fault that she found them. I don't know why you hide them anyways." He shrugged.

"You dont fucking get it." I sighed and didn't speak the rest of the drive, I just wanted to get to the hotel and eat. Tom went the rest of the way on the bus so me and Garrett had a quiet ride the rest of the way, there was an hour to the drive left before he spoke.

"I'm sorry Gemma."

"Its fine." I mumbled.

"No, your right. I don't get it, but Billie does ok? Talk to her don't be afraid. She really does care."

"I'm trying." I chewed on my lip and rubbed my temples.

"Mum!" Tom yelled running to me.

"Hi baby, did you have fun?" I smiled.

"Yeah!" He clapped as I picked him up kissing him.

"Hey." Billie said walking towards me.

"Hi. I'm going to go check in ok?" She nodded and walked back towards Zoe. I went inside with Tom and checked in, me and Garrett took our bags to our room and as I was getting Tom's toy's Garrett left to get food and there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Billie, she walked in and I could tell she knew something was wrong.

"Gemma." She said quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me..."

"About?" She asked.

"Your self harm..."

"You read the article?" She asked.

"No, I seen a screenshot of that."

"I'm sorry, I just hate talking about it." She mumbled.

"You knew I struggled with it too, you can talk to me ya know."

"You can talk to me too Gemma, you been acting weird."

"Who's Zoe." I said and she smiled slightly.

"Are you jealous?" She asked.

"No." I replied a little to fast as I chewed on my lip. she brushed her thumb against my lip freeing it before she kissed me.

"You do not have to worry about her, she's a old friend. We met when we were really young at a home school thing."

"You were homeschooled?" I asked and she smiled nodding.

"You really haven't googled me?" She asked.

"No, if you want me to know something you'll tell me.... plus if I started to creep that's not going to be a good thing."

"Don't worry, I don't care. Plus I don't deserve you, your amazing." She said kissing me.

"Hey Billie." I said quietly and she looked up at me. "I love you."

"I love you too Gemma." She said kissing me again. I smiled at her feeling better, deep down I still felt off but I pushed the thoughts away and tried to think about the moment right now. We decided to get food so we met up with everyone and ordered room service. Billie sat beside me and Zoe sat on the other side of her. I tried to ignore my thoughts, Billie was chatting to her parents and Zoe but I was in my own head as I slowly rocked Tom well he was falling asleep. Billie and Finneas was arguing about something so she got up to try and tackle him, Zoe looked over towards me and I made eyes with her by accident.

"He's adorable." She smiled.


"You don't look old enough to have a kid." She laughed lightly.

"I'm twenty four." I smiled.

"Really?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yep." I kissed Tom's head and he cuddled into me, Billie came back and I stood up. "I'm going back to my room, Tom's really tired."

"Are you going to come back?" She asked and I looked at my watch.

"Um, I think he's going to be out for the night." I said and she nodded. I walked to the door and before I opened it Billie walked over fast.

"Can I come by later?" She asked.

"If you want."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said and she smiled opening the door for me. I put Tom in bed and Garrett came back to the room, he said he'd stay with Tom and I went to the bar.

"sparkling wine." I said to the bartender, he nodded and got me my drink. I sat at the far end of the bar and quickly drank the wine and ordered another. when I was on my sixth glass I felt a tap on my shoulder."

"Are you drunk?"

"No." I said looking at the half empty glass.

"How many have you had?"

"F...Five an a half." I lifted my eyes to look at her and she let out a small sigh. I chugged the rest of my glass and we went back to my room.

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