Chapter fourteen

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"Your birthday is two days away." Billie said getting into bed.

"I told you, I don't do birthdays."

"Well, you're doing it." She said leaning over to kiss me.

"Billie, there's literally nothing to celebrate. I'm gonna be 24, A-K-A fucking old." I said making her laugh.

"Well, I happen to think the day you were born is something to celebrate." I flashed a smile toward her and I laid back looking at the ceiling. She laid back beside me and took my hand in hers, we ended up falling to sleep like that.

I woke alone and to chatter, going back home to just me, Tom and Garrett is going to be so hard to get used to again. I'm going to be 24 tomorrow... my time to have kids is running out... how did I go from not wanting kids, to have Tom getting a girlfriend and wanting more kids... now I literally can't. I can't expect Billie so be a mom... what is she thinking she is to Tom? It's no different, is it? She started dating me and took me back knowing Tom was my son.... no, I can't have this conversation with her. She's fucking seventeen!

"You ok?" I jump to see Billie standing in the doorway.

"Yeah." I yawned getting out of bed. I had breakfast, uploaded a video I had recorded a whole ago and I tossed my phone back into Billie's room. Tom was helping Maggie make cookies so I went into the kitchen with them as Billie was talking to Finneas.

"Mommy look." Tom said pointing to the big bowl in front of him.

"I see baby." I smiled. "Can I ask you a question Maggie?"

"Of course." She nodded.

"Was it hard homeschooling?" I said looking at one of the many photos on her wall.

"Yes and no. We went textbook about anything, they learned most of there math cooking. Little things like that can be a school lesson, and the kids don't even realize that there learning when there little and you almost don't realize your teaching. Are you thinking about homeschooling?" She asked.

"I was thinking about it..." I nodded.

"Gemma, come here." Billie called from Finneas room. I let Maggie get back to her baking with Tom as I stopped at the door Billie patted the bed next to her.

"Cute setup." I said looking at all the stuff I knew nothing about.

"This, and him have made my Albums." Billie said pointing to Finnieas

"Are you serious?" I asked and they nodded. "That's so cool."

"So you went playing, you actually didn't know us?" Finnieas asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"I did not know you or Billie, at all."

"And she still knows shit all." Billie laughed.

"Really?" He asked and I laughed.

"Really, I know what Billie has told me and that it."

"How are you human?" He asked and I shrugged.

"She's perfect." Billie said and I rolled my eyes looking over at her, we look into each other eyes for I guess a minute too long.

"Ok, ew you're on my bed." Finnieas said throwing a pillow at us making me and Billie laugh.

"Ouh!" Billie said jumping up and running out of the room. "Mom." She yelled.

"She's so damn hyper." I said getting off the bed. Finnieas nodded laughing, I made my way to the kitchen and Maggie was giving Billie a 'mom' look.

"Please?" Billie begged.

"Ok." She threw in the towel and Billie hugged her.

"Common, get changed." Billie said pulling me toward the bedroom.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my favourite place in the world." She said.

"Oh hell no." I shook my head.


"You driving? A car like this?"

"I have my license."

"Yeah, for about two seconds." I said.

"Get in." I sighed and get in the car reluctantly.

"Ok, I got in the car with you. I am not going near that." Billie took off to this huge ass horse and I was ready to cry. I hated horses. Billie was talking to it and I stayed far back.

"Come here, look at 'um." She said petting it. Then I remembered the article, this was her happy place. "How can you be afraid, look."

"I'm not about the stand in front of a transport truck in neutral on top of a hill." Billie got the horse 'ready' I guess and she rode him. I looked watching her, she was so happy and relaxed the second she got on him.

"Please?" Billie said taking my hand in hers and I held my breath as I touched his nose, I went to pull my hand away but she held it there for a minute. "See, your ok." She smiled and I couldn't help but look at her...

"I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you too." She said petting the horse finally freeing my hand.

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