chapter Thirteen

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I woke to the bus moving, I loved it, I was so happy I got rid of the rent-a-car. It felt so comforting, I looked at to Billie who was slowly waking up. "Morning." I said quietly. She reached over putting her arm around me and pulling me to her. I fell back to sleep until Tom came in and climbed into bed with us, I cuddled him tightly making him laugh.

"Bee, wake up!" Tom giggled poking her cheek, as he poked it again she pretends to bit him and he jumped laughing. Tom laid his head on my chest and looked up at me. "Mommy."

"Yes, buddy?"

"I wants a sister." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You want a sister?" I asked and he nodded, I looked at Billie who was trying to hide her smile. "Not right now buddy." I smiled kissing his head.

"I go see Maggie?" Tom asked and I nodded helping him off the bed. Billie sat up at looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do I remember you telling me you didn't want kids?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I hated kids. I never wanted them, but when I got Tom... he was just something special."

"Are you going to have kids?" She asked.

"I mean... I'll be twenty-four in like... three-ish weeks and... I know you're not in the place to have a baby and were dating so I can't just go have a baby."

"When's your birthday?" She asked.

"October 31st."

"That's dope." She smiled and I nodded. "But also, if you weren't with me would you have another kid?" She asked. I thought about it, my first instinct was obviously I'd have another kid but I didn't want her to feel bad.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"I don't understand how you were still single when we met."

"What?" I laughed lightly.

"You're twenty-three, most people are in Serious relationships or married by then, And here I am lucky enough to meet you."

"Billie." I giggled and she kissed my lips lightly.

"I'm sorry I was acting weird the past little while... over the kiss..."

"It's understandable. I'm so sorry."

"I know babe." She put out her arms and pulled me to her. I kissed her lightly and I held her so tight to me I thought we were going to become one person.

"I love you, Billie."

"I love you too." She said kissing me again.

"So plans for today?" Maggie asked as we grabbed something to eat.

"Chill, have a game of frisbee. Kick everyone's ass."

"You haven't kicked my ass." I said to her and she pushed me with her foot.

"Because your too much of a pussy to play against me."

"Billie I wouldn't even be competition I'm so bad." I laughed, Billie sat beside me and I laid my phone on her upper thigh.

"Get a room." Garrett said walking onto the bus, Tom ran to Garrett and he picked him up. "Good morning buddy."

"Oh it's raining," I said looking out the window.

"Mom want days are we going home?" Billie asked standing up.

"The... 14th of October to November the 10th."

"We'll be at home for your birthday!" Billie said loudly.

"One, I don't do birthdays. Two, we'll have a hotel we can't intrude-"

"Don't be foolish. You're staying at our place." Maggie said I looked at Billie who stuck her tongue out at me.

"Suck it." She said, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I think your spending to much time with Billie." Maggie laughed.

Me and Billie went to the backroom to get dressed when she was just in her underwear I pulled her to me and kissed her. She kissed back and pulled my shirt off, her hands wandered and my hands did the same. December couldn't come fast enough, I looked down at her body and it was the most of it I've actually seen. "You are..." I shook my head and ran my fingertip down her neck across her collarbone, down over he chest. She let out a breath and pushed me away as she smiled.

"You drive me crazy."

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