Chapter Eight

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Zoe was finally leaving, it has been the longest week ever. Even Billie was getting annoyed, so finally she was gone. "I'm so sorry about her." Billie said as I sat onto her bed.

"It's ok," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Um, I'm fine."

"I'm actually really sorry about Zoe... I never thought... she was going to be like that."

"It's alright," I mumbled.

"Anyways, enough of her." Billie pulled me into her arms kissing my head. "How are you enjoying the tour so far?"

"I'm with you, so I'm loving it." I smiled as I kissed her.

"As much as I love Tom I'm happy she sleeping in a bunk tonight."

"Me too actually," I said and I sat up pulling her into my arm. We started to make out and she ran her hand up under my shirt. "Billie," I said pushing her hand away and she sighed.

"I love you." She mumbled kissing my neck.

"I love you too Billie." I brushed her hair out of her face and looked down over her body. "I... am very... very," I said kissing down her neck over her chest. "Very, happy that you don't wear revealing clothes."

"You are such a tease dude." She said pushing me again and I laughed pulling her to me.

"Just think about your birthday," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"What if it sucks?" She asked.


"What if it sucks ya know." She said sitting up.

"Billie." I laughed and she laughed too. "Go to sleep it's almost three AM."

"You too." She kissed me again laid down, I laid down too and pulled out my phone. Everyone on Twitter was asking where I was, so I took a shitty photo to tweet 'still alive, just on a little holiday-'. I had four missed messages from my mom, one from Charlie and one from peggie. I didn't reply to anyone, I laid my phone down and quickly fell to sleep.

"Mommy!" I heard I opened my eyes to see Tom in Billie's arms.

"Hi baby boy." I smiled kissing him.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yes!" Garrett said walking into the room and I rolled my eyes.

"Your always hungry Garrett." Billie laughed and I smiled over at her.

"Good morning to you too Billie." Garrett said sitting on the bed.

"Morning." She said scrunching up her face at him, he grabbed a pillow and threw at her.

"Ok kids, calm down." I said picking up Tom and getting out of bed.

"She started it!" Garrett whined I rolled my eyes as I smiled.

"Mom!" Billie yelled.

"Yes honey?" Maggie said standing outside the door.

"Can you get Tom breakfast, me and Gemma are gonna go out."

"Out?" Me and Maggie said at the same time.

"Geez guys, chill just for a tea. Or coffee. Or whatever." She said.

"Well, I'll go get-"

"Were going alone. It's just though a drive thru mom, well be fine." Maggie gave her a look then she looked at me as she took Tom. I kissed him and kicked Garrett out so me and Billie could get dressed. We usually did it back to back but today when she took off her shirt I took her wrist in my hand to turned her to face me. She smiled up at me and I bit my lip as I looked at her.

"What are you doing." She didn't really ask.

"I miss your body and I haven't even had it yet." I said kissing her neck making her pull away lightly as she laughed.

"Your too much for me." She said and I kissed her lips.

"I love you." I said looking into her eyes.

"I love you too." She mumbled and she reached for the hem of my shirt, I let her take it off and when she did I couldn't help myself as I fell back on the bed pulling her on top of me. I kissed her like my life depended on it... like she was my only supply of oxygen.

"Gemma," Maggie called from the kitchen and Billie sighed pulling away.

"Cock Block!" Billie yelled.

"Billie!" I said smacking her arm.

"Don't worry, she knows your a prude." Billie smiled at me as she tossed me one of her shirts. I knew better than to object, so I put it on and as I pulled it over my head I took in a deep breath.

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