Chapter Twenty

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I had to brow Maggie's car and drive to Walmart to get extra luggage, between my birthday gifts and Billie merch I stole I need two extra bags. I sat on the floor and started to pack, Billie sat on the floor behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist kissing my neck. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too." I sighed.

"Are you serious about taking murch home?" She laughed taking the shirt from my bag, I snatched it back and folded it again as I nodded.

"It's comfy," I said and she kissed my neck again. We didn't really talk as I finished packing, we just enjoyed each others company in quiet. I loved her and saying goodbye tonight was going to kill me, I quickly finished packing and once I was done I put our bags by the door and we all sat in the living room talking. I held Billie's hand tightly in mine and Tom cuddled her, he had already cried about leaving and he was still sulking about it. If I had my way I'd be sulking to but I knew it wouldn't help, so I tried to be as present as I could be. I loved Billie's family, I felt at home when them... when I go back home it's just going to be the three of us until Garrett gets his own place then it'll just be me and Tom...

Once at the airport I teared up hugging Billie goodbye, we knew her getting out of the car wasn't a good idea but no one really saw her because it was so dark. As we pulled away I wiped my eyes and hugged her once more, she kissed my neck lightly and took my left hand into hers and she kissed it. "Don't forget." She said tapping the ring with her thumb.

"I won't." I sniffed. "I love you."

"I love you too." She kissed me lightly and then she picked up Tom hugging him.

"Bee you come too?" He pouted.

"I'm sorry I can't."

"But I love you." He said and Billie wiped her eyes.

"I love you too, don't worry we'll see each other soon ok?" She said and he nodded, she hugged Garrett and then she hugged and kissed me once more before getting back in the car. I looked back she drove off and I could see her wiping her eyes. I kept my tears in till on the plane, Tom fell to sleep and I let them fall as I looked out the window watching the ground far below us. I leaned my head against the window and silently cried.

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