Chapter 4

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It's been 2 years since Izuku became a vigilanti so he's now 14 years old.
The new vigilante name was bølt, credited by present mic. Most or all heroes knew him as a very friendly vigilante who save people from danger. Still, they needed to capture him since it was there job. Izuku had multiple encounters with new heroes or veteran heroes. Some of them were actually super nice to Izuku, even asking for his signature and selfies  while others like endeavour was a completely different story. Endeavour didn't care if Izuku was basically a hero. If he isn't titled a hero, then that makes him a enemy. Izuku almost got burned several time by yours truly endeawhore.

Izuku entered his house at midnight, with several burn marks across his chest. Izuku sat down at his bed and rested. The next day, Izuku woke up all groggy with pain across his body. Izuku stood up and wore his tracksuit. Izuku left his home to do his daily routine. When he was done, Izuku ran to his home with his quirk active. Izuku then showered and left for school. Half way there, Izuku spotted katsuki and walked with him.
(Smol time skip)
School finished and izuku were patrolling in bright day light.
Izuku was approaching a tunnel when he saw a electric signal. It looked like a shape of a massive slime, which was moving. Izuku thought it was a villain and walked under the tunnel. Izuku was getting ready for the surprise attack that was gonna happen. The slime tried to pounce him when izuku immediately zoomed to the right of the slime. Since he didn't want to take so much time, Izuku out his hand inside of the slime and sent out a huge shock. The slime screamed as the colour of its body turned from green to a black. Izuku then noticed a huge electrical signal coming from the sky. "Is that all might?" Izuku thought to him self. That question was answered when "I am here!". All might looked at bølt then at the slime and figured out what has happened. "Thank you young bølt for helping me!". "It's fine sir all might. Well I will start heading out". Izuku charged up the electricity through out his body and bolted out. Izuku was resting when suddenly he heard a explosion. He got back up and stretched before heading out. He looked at the scene and saw katsuki engulfed in the sludge monster. "Damn he's weak" Izuku said to him self. He checke the electric signs around hi to see a man with similar electric signal as all might. Izuku didn't question it and walked in the scene. "Hey kid what are yo-- Oh it's bølt. I think we might need your assistance". Izuku nodded and activated light speed. He walked around the scene and put out he fire. He also took katsuki out of the sludge monster. He threw him to the hero and reactivated time. The heroes blinked and saw the fire got out out and the sludge monster alone. "ATTACK"!
said the heroes.

The electric hero: bøltWhere stories live. Discover now