Chapter 6

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(A/N: I will now switch out the words like lightning and electricity to aura. Not all but some)

"Thunders roar!"

As izuku puts his hands up, a blue aura lined across his body. suddenly he fealt his electricity growing stronger and stronger and bigger and bigger. The bealt up aura shot up the sky as it came back down like a dragon engulfing a tower. The huge 0 pointer got crushed and destroyed in a matter of seconds. But izuku knew it was not him who have done this. You see, izuku has a very strong quirk that can do many stuff. But, thats the problem. Its too strong for a 14 year old boy with only 2 years of hero experience. The way izuku used his quirk was a lot smiliar to ofa. Spread the aura around his body to increase his physical capacity. And the only way izuku used his aura externally was by contact. by concetrating his lightining to his palm, whatever he touched would get shocked. but the 0 pointer was huge. and just shocking the foot of the massive robot would not have done much. plus, its ua. would the robot die from a simple electric malfunction?

And because of that, izuku had to destroy the monster with pure power. And looking behind him, he saw the guy who gave him the extra power. he had blonde hair with a black electric sign on his head. "Hey thanks man. if it wasnt for you i probably would have hurt my self" Izuku said with sincereity.

"No problem man. I saw what you were going for and thought that maybe you needed more juice hehe." The guy said while rubbing his noise. he smiled as izuku smiled as well.

"time is up. all the contestant can leave and if you were harmed, recovery girl will help you!"

izuku was thinking of bringing the girl down but he saw her floating down and reaching the ground. 

"Thank you for saving me the second time today." She said with a smile.

"Your welcome. Umm If none of you guys are harmed, are the two of you free today?" Izuku invited.

"I'm down" said the blonde.

"Sure where are we going" asked the brunette.

Izuku smiled as he took the lead. Going out of the UA facility, izuku lead them to cafes and other places. Tho she tried refusing, at the end izuku payed for ochackos bill.

Izuku, very quickly got closer to them. The blondes name was denki. Denkis quirk was similar to izukus but izuku used his electricity to stimulate his muscles. While kaminari used his for shock.

And the brunette was ochacko. Her quirk being zero gravity. She was rosy sweet and kind.

After a day of talking and eating at a Cafe, they exchanged number and went there way. As izuku waved them both off, izuku went into a near by alley to do his civil duty of a... vigilante. Since it was around 10, he should be fine. His outfit was in his bag and after 30 second of quick changing, he turned into bolt. normally izuku would do his vigilante duty around 2 to 3 days a week since its not like he lives in the bad part of the city. And when he does do his vigilante look out, there are somedays where he does nothing. 

But, after the 0 pointer, izuku was thinking of doing much more dangerous stuff. The zero pointer incident reminded izuku how weak he is compared to real heroes. So izuku restricted him self to only slightly boosting his physical prowess and only using his external power. like lightning shock, aura palm and dragons roar.

Izuku focused his aura around his leg muscles as he felt his legs bulging. he then focused the aura to his joints and to his 5 senses. he did this so he doesnt have to waste 20 minutes warming up his body. Izuku then spreaded only 2% of his aura to his body. He then focused the energy to his eyes. When he does this, he sees electrcity and it somewhat worked like x ray vision. With this, izuku could tell if they were lying or not by looking at their brain signals and their heart beat.

Izuku put his hood up as he leaped to the wall and... fail. Guess he relies on his quirk a bit too much. Izuku jumped and grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up. izuku then raised the energy level to 5%. Taking a deep breath in, izuku ran around and hopped on roofs. While doing this, izuku gradually raised his hearing.

'murmur murmur, O-ok man. Look I got money ok please.'

Izuku stopped his steps as he saw 5 people downstairs from the roof. (X ray vision remember?) Enhancing his hearing, izuku wondered the best way to get in there. from the looks it looked like a apartment building.

He then heard a crash and a gun reload. His eyes widening, izuku found the electric circuit and shocekd it. then the building went out of lights. using this distraction, izuku focused his aura as he gathered the electricity near by him. he then shot it up to the sky as it came down 100 times the size. using his vision, he aimed it between the victim and the 4 criminals.

"Thunders roar!!!"

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