Dr: Dissonance (2)

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Followed by the soft noise of writing. A paper sat on the desk, tally marks all over it.
Kai sat as his desk writing quietly. The paper of tally marks, a record of the days, about a month since that day.
The day Yori died. The day Kai lost any reason to continue in this game, as far as he knew. He kept himself busy sometimes with keeping popee and Yori's room clean, always said it was in respect for them. He knew it was for Yori, it was what she did before the night she died.
Kai let out a deep breath
It was his fault, he knew it, if he had only stayed with her for the night...she wouldn't have been killed.
His thoughts were halted suddenly as he glanced at the only colorful thing on his desk. A red bear, Yori's, with wrapped in popees scarf. Kai always found it silly that the man wore it on his waist, but to each they're own, he supposed.
He tapped his pen as he reached the last page.
He finished the book. He had always promised when he did he'd gift it to Yori, but now...he couldn't. He blinked a few times in hopes to will his tears away, but like every other time, it didn't work.
He gently put away the pen and stood, cleaning up his desk. As neat as it was when the game began
The god awful game
The one that took away the people he loved
Kai grew distant of August when Hana came along. And Yori...she was gone.
He hesitated for a second, glancing at a cup sat at the edge of his desk. It looked like water, but it wasn't.
As kai reached behind his head, gently taking off his necklace, he spoke. As if Yori was there to listen to him, and by god he hoped she was. He spoke
"Tamu will come by soon, he's been worried lately, saying I've not been taking care of myself...he's right" he let out a light chuckle "it's hard to when you don't have the people you care about anymore." Silence, for just a moment as Kai put the necklace on the bear and carefully fixed the scarf "I hope you and Popee have been alright...if I succeed I'll see you soon" he muttered. For a moment, he felt the ghost of a hand, no...two. Laying gently on his back, but when he jerked to look he saw nothing. "...I'm sorry Yori, I know you don't want this...but I can't do it anymore...I can't see more people die" he whispered. A few tears fell, hitting the cover of the book. Kai sniffed and moved the bear to sit on top of said book. Nice and neat, like always
His room was in perfect condition, clean. Odd for him. He carefully grabbed the cup and downed it in one go, before sitting on the floor. He could feel himself going numb, dizzy...and he felt very tired. As he slowly leaned back against his bed, he could hear a gentle knocking
But he couldn't hear what came after it. The world went black for a second, before he blinked a few times
All he could see was...
He blinked a few more times, then noticed that the red he saw was hair. He knew the color, recognized it so well. Yori was crouched in front of him, holding him in a tight hug. Next to him stood Popee.
They gave just a moment to cry, before they heard a yell. Kai stood and looked, there stood Tamu, tears pouring down his face, and in his hands was...the bear.
Yori trembled as Kai stepped closer. A hand came onto his shoulder "he can't see us...look" She gestured behind them. Kai turned, and clear as day he could see
There sat his lifeless body
He had done it

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