Chapter 20

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No one's pov

"Pssst daddy? " He felt a tug on his arm "D-daddy?" He opens his eyes to see his son standing by the edge of the bed, tears in his eyes "Hey bud... Whatcha doing out of bed?" "Scawy dweam...." He sits up and lifts his child up. "A nightmare huh? How about you sleep with mommy and daddy tonight?" Chris nods and cuddles into his chest while laying between his 2 parents. William smiles and kisses Chris's forehead and fwent back to sleep.

Blood had formed a puddle on the floor, The knife was laying on the table. Right now he was just happy he made the drug in the water last longer. A part of him wanted to feel bad but it never showed up strong enough to defeat the other thoughts. He needed to move quickly, Bryan was bleeding heavily but luckily he was able to get some (steal) blood bags with the same blood type. He connected some of the wires to Bryan's nerves, he saw one of the finger twitch and he connected them and he smiled.  A few hours later he stopped. Bryan's skin was pale, Springtrap would do his leg now but that would kill Bryan. No he needed to wait with that plus making the leg will take a longer time. He carried Bryan back to the bed "There we go... Told yah your dad would fix it" No response back but that was good. "Springtrap?" He turned to see Molten by the door "Aah Molten, perfect timing. I need you too watch Chris while I'm gone" Molten looks over to the pale body laying on the bed "Why do I need to babysit? He looks pretty much out of it anyway" "Just make sure if he wakes up that he doesn't hurt himself" Springtrap said and walked towards their portal, once he walked into it he was back in the pizzeria. It was quiet, weirdly quiet. He looks outside to see no one online. He walks to the kitchen and started grabbing some food.

"You!" Springtrap turns to see Ballora in the doorway "Ballora what are you doing on-" "Where is Bryan?" He sighs, he could see all the anger in her eyes "Don't worry, he's doing perfectly fine Bal-" then he got hit in the head by a chair. Ofcourse this didn't effect him at all "Come on now...Don't you see? This is a new chance for us! We can be a family again! I just need to change us back into humans, move back into our house and be happy again!" "Do you seriously think we would ever want to be with you after everything you have done!? You killed children, you're the reason for Elizabeth's death, if you had been home more then spend time at that stupid pizzeria maybe Michael would have had a father to look up to, you killed more children and then you have the balls too say we will be a happy family!" She tried to hit him, but he grabbed her arms and sighs" You will understand soon" He turns her offline and carries her to her spot on the Funtime stage.

It hurts, his arm hurts. Why did it hurt? Bryan slowly opened his eyes, Springtrap wasn't here but as he sat up he noticed his right hand and all the way up to his elbow was heavier then usual and then the pain striked him. He bit his other hand so he didn't scream but the pain was almost unbearable. He looked down and to his horror his hand and half his arm wasn't there anymore, but was metallic instead. What was the point of cutting off his hand if he can't feel it anyway!? He hits the matrass only to realise he could move his fingers. The pain hurt so much and he curls up into a ball. He starts crying, he hugs the plushie closer. Molten have been watching from the darkest corner. He still didn't understand why he had to babysit but oh well. To be honest Molten didn't even know why he was here at all, now that the plans have changed. He could hear a door open from 1 of the other rooms. Springtrap walked inside, made a movement with his hand to tell Molten to get out and walked over to Bryan.

"Ah Chris, I see you're awake" His smile dissappear when he hears the crying "Hey you alright bud? " Bryan shakes his head no and shows his arm "Oh I see you noticed your new arm. Yes I had to cut it off a little more then the numbness went, so that I could connect the wires to your functioning nerves. Now the question is how I'm going to do that to your leg" "M.. My..leg? D... Do we ha-ve to take it away t...too?" No Bryan did not want that and he did not want more pain. "Don't you want to be able to walk again?" "B.. But the doctor said f.. Fysikal therapy could m... Maybe help" Springtrap sighed and patted Bryan on his head "You have to learn to listen to me. I just want what is best for you.. They don't want you to get away which is why they did this" "T... They... Did this?" Bryan was shocked no way those nice people had been lying. "B... But what about M...Michael?" The look Springtrap got on his face scared Bryan, it was dark, cold and ready to kill "Him especially, he was the one who started all of this" "N.. No.. I don't belive y-ou!"

He starts coughing a little and sees the glass of water being handed to him. Bryan slaps the water away making it fall to the floor and breaking, the two of them stare at the water for a few seconds untill Bryan started to push himself off the bed. He tries standing up but he ends up falling onto his bad arm and he screams in pain. Springtrap stand up and just looks down at Bryan for a minute untill he used his foot too make Bryan roll onto his back. He crouch down and say "Tks tks.. I was going to give you painkillers but I guess you don't deserve them do you?" Bryan continued yelling and crying. Springtrap lifted him up by his good arm and threw him back onto the bed. "Next time you deside to do something this stupid I won't hesitate to give you the punishment you deserve" After that he left Bryan alone.

{All in favor of kicking Springtraps butt for TOUCHING DA CHILD, say I xD}

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