Chapter 9 : A Priest Walks Into a Bar

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A pizza delivery boy arrives at a pent house and Lucifer pays him off.

As the delivery boy takes in the wild partying, Lucifer asks him if he's ever had a pornographic experience.

The delivery boy admits that it never has, and Lucifer invites him in and introduces him to the Britanies.

The women invites Lucifer to join him in the Jacuzzi, and he says that he'll
be along in a minute.

The next day, Lucifer tells Linda that he never did join them.

She suggests that he's attempting to fill a void with his partying, and says that he sounds lonely.

Lucifer insists that he's never alone, and the therapist explains that being alone and loneliness aren't the same.

Linda asks if he considers anyone he's with a friend, and Lucifer says that he and Maze are on the outs.

She asks about Chloe, and Lucifer admits that he's not sure what they are.

Later, Lucifer returns to Luz and Maze tries to talk to him.

He doesn't want to talk with a traitor, but Maze says that there's someone there who wants a favor and insists that Lucifer doesn't want to miss it.

Intrigued, Lucifer goes down and discovers that his visitor is a priest.

The man introduces himself as Father Frank Lawrence, and explains that he has a lot of contacts who have said that Lucifer is the man to see when there are no other options.

Frank explains that he's there about a neighborhood youth center that is being used as a front for an illegal
drug operation.

The director, Lenny Arietta, is recruiting kids from Frank's church to move his

Frank is concerned about one boy in particular, Connor, who lost both is parents.

The priest figures that he's a good kid, and asks Lucifer to talk to Lenny about Connor.

The police haven't found anything on Lenny, and God led Frank to Lucifer.

Lucifer asks Frank what he
really wants, and Frank says that he wants to beat Lenny.

He admits that they all have demons inside, and Lucifer insists that they're sworn enemies.

The Devil refuses to help, telling Frank to handle it himself.

Later, Lucifer convinces Chloe to go to the youth center.

He wants to get dirt on Frank, figuring that he's hiding something.

They knock at Lenny's door and get no answer, and discover that the door is locked.

Chloe looks in and sees a body, and breaks in.

She confirms that Lenny is dead and Lucifer figures Frank did it.

Chloe calls the CSIs in and they confirm that someone beat Lenny to death with a baseball bat.

There's a voice modulator on the floor, and Chloe isn't convinced that Frank did it.

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