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Note- This story is based on the song above, I recommend you listen to it!
Welcome to a new story enjoy!!

5 years ago now, there was a  masquerade auction held by the mafia. 

You wore a white dress and a pair of white heels that had small gem stones engraved into them with a mask of a cat, you wore a queen's crown on your head as you were dressed as an honored guests at the auction as you were posing to be some important figure, more specifically a daughter of one of the mob bosses. One of the perks to being an honored guest was that you could "crown" a date or partner to gain other perks with being an honored guest, though working alone was more your style. 

The orchestra started playing a beautiful song that had no name, even though you feel that you've heard it a thousand times before. 

As you made your way to the honored guest special auction wanting to steal some rare gems, you see a shifty looking young man with the mask of the fox leaning against a pillar in the hallway, along with him you see two guards getting ready to beat him up for one reason or another.  

Just as the guards were about to grab the young man you walk up to him, you intervene...

-???? POV- 

4 hours before auction

Once I heard there was a mafia organized auction, a flame sparked in my head, I was on the edge, of excitement. We will steal everything from the auction...

I dress in a way that seemed appropriate for an auction like this. I also change my hair to fit in better, luckily the mask will cover my tattoo. 

"I'm...we're going out tonight..." I say to the troupe, they were all ready to go.

Machi attached one of her nen threads to a mafia car, to ensure we could trail them.  It was a euphoric feeling, like being faded on some type of drug, but in this case it was a thread. 

"I wanna feel alive..." I softly whisper as my troupe splits up and enters the auction house, each wearing masks, I wore the head of a fox.

I needed to get in to that honored guest auction room, other wise this plan will go to shit.

I feel the blood lust of the two guards behind me move closer, as I was about to charm my way out of this, a young woman, a stranger in a white dress walked up to me. 

-Normal POV-

"Aww there you are my sly fox! Here I have your crown!, but you have to earn it~" you said with a smirk on your face as you looked up to the young man with your lips pursed expecting a kiss. 

He complied, and kissed you. The two guards walk away. 

Just as the kiss ended, you spoke against his lips,  saying 

"I know what you are trying to do, and I'll allow it, after I get what I wanted of course..." you move back, and retrieve the crown you had and placed it on his head. 

The man looked confused for a second, but you simply wink and say 

"Every King needs a Queen in his bed~" 

He seemed taken aback by this comment, but still a half smile appeared on his face.

"Hey girl, I'd like to stay here for a while just you and I, far from the places we can't get away from." he said clearly wanting you to join him in some plan he could sense this kind of thing, it comes with the job and title of being the most respected thief and most feared killer. 

"Hey boy, I like your style, I'll let you play me for a while," you smiled, he held out his hand out to you as if he was asking for a dance,

"Play me til the sunrises..." you continued, he twirled you around, soon you hear the violins in the orchestra pick up and you say

"Play me like a violin~" you finish, you both stop dancing and enter the auction room arm in arm. 

After the successful auction hijack you parted ways with the young man and his group of thieves. 

Present Day. . . 

"...and that concludes today's meeting, I will leave the packet of job openings that are available to fugitives, and schooling forms as well by the door! I hope to see you all next week with some good news!" you stand and smile, looking out at the room packed with people wanting to restart. 

As they all leave you close up the Cafe, and head home. 

You pick up the news paper you set down on your table this morning and read the front page headline. 

"With the disappearance of the famed killer and thief, Heartless Shadow, The Phantom Troupe has now earned the same title!" 

'Aww it only took 5 years for someone else to take my title... they must be quite the impressive bunch...' you thought to yourself as you put the paper down and head to bed. 

Note-Another story created out of impulse! Yay! hahaha! Any way I'm excited to write this story, I hope you'll join me in this journey! I love you! Cya next Chapter!

Play Me Like a Violin (Chrollo x Reader x Hisoka)Where stories live. Discover now