Ch7 Tell the Truth

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WARNING- There is lemon/NSFW in this chapter! Please skip if it is not your thing!

Your breathing grew rapid...

"Based on your aura alone, I suspect that you could very well kill us, so why don't you go ahead and try?" Chrollo teased as he pulled you in to him.

"I...I don't do that anym--I don't do that stuff..." You averted your eyes

"Hmm? You aren't telling us the truth sugar~" Hisoka used Bungee Gum to pull you over to him...

"Hey Chrollo, why don't with her? Lets play with her until she tells the truth!" Hisoka said as he looked at the clock...

"Oh right, there's a big crowd that comes in right about now huh?" Chrollo said,

"Your idea, you first Hisoka....I'll be over here." Chrollo sat back down and pretended to read.

And just like that, a crowd of people come in, Hisoka brings you back behind the counter and stands close behind you.

He uses Zetsu, making him and his presence practically invisible to the normal people that come to your Cafe.

You attended business as usual, until of course Hisoka slid his hand down into your work pants and rubs your woman hood roughly.

You bite your tongue and continue to work. Hisoka pulls down your work pants and moves your underwear to the side, he swiftly stuck one finger into your womanhood, your legs felt weak already...

All the costumers were seated and doing their own thing, Chrollo was watching you and Hisoka amused and upset. Hisoka pumps in 3 fingers, moves them in and out rapidly, but then stops. He pulls your underwear down and without hesitation removes his fingers and shoves himself inside you.

"Ah! Shit!" you accidentally said out loud,

"I stubbed my toe dammit!" you add on, Hisoka was moving fast and roughly but you couldn't hear anything from him... Just as you were about to each the edge Hisoka pulls out, fixes himself and trades places with Chrollo.

At this point you were on your elbows on the counter, Chrollo gently slide himself into you, you blush madly from how different this felt from Hisoka and how no one else noticed.

Chrollo was gentle but so strong and focused, he managed to hit your G-spot with every move.

You came but Chrollo didn't, he let you get on you knees and his grabbed the back of your hair and forced your head to move. You take in his full length and savor his taste.

Ding Ding

A costumer came in the Cafe,

"Hello, how can I help you?" Chrollo addressed the costumer. Just to get back at him you use your hand to squeeze his member a bit to make it ever so slightly painful.

Once the costumer sits down, Chrollo looks down at you and says

"How bold of you naughty girl~" he whispered and quietly came in your mouth, you swallowed it all.

This treatment went on for the rest of the day, switching off every hour.

Once closing time came about, you had fell to the ground.

"It feels like you squeezed me dry..." Chrollo said as he seemed tired

"You won't be able to walk properly for a few sugar~" Hisoka stretched, he was worn out too.

You got up and walked over to the tables to clean up.

"Oh?" Chrollo looked surprised

"Seems your more durable than I thought~" Hisoka smirked

"You two did all those things to me for answers only right?" you ask as you throw away trash

"Well we did it because we are infatuated with you..." Chrollo answered Hisoka hummed in agreement.

"Just so this is easier for me...lets just say it was for answers I'll answer 3 questions all truthfully maybe not to the fullest just yet but gotta keep you two interested if I ever want to get fucked senseless one day~haha just kidding don't worry!" you laugh and sit on a table and faced the two men.

"I'll go first~ would you want to be fucked senseless by one or both of us?" Hisoka asked

"Hah! Yes for both! I'm rather bold when I am not fearing for my life haha" you were a bit embarrassed but you said you'd say the truth.

"My turn, Who are you?" Chrollo asked Hisoka perked up in curiosity

"Me? I no no I was at the top in all charts in murder count and theft worth. You get it?" you answer with a wicked grin

"Oh? So then you are, Heartless Shadow aren't you?" Chrollo asked

"Yes I am! OK! That's three! We're done here! Go home!" you laugh and run up to Chrollo and kiss his cheek and do the same to Hisoka.

They left, communicating to each other only through looks no words.

You smile to yourself,

'They wouldn't hurt me. I think I can be a bit more bold and demanding with them now right? But if I get too cocky they could kill me...Shit! What do I do?!'

Note- I'm a bit rusty with my lemon writings, sorry! I'll get better as time moves on! I love you all! Cya next chapter!

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