Ch2 Regulars

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Note- this chapter is unedited because I am very sleepy, please excuse any error that may appear thank you! Enjoy~

After taking the clown's order, you walk over to the book shelves to try to see what he would like to drink. A book fell down from the top shelf, you bend down to get it,so did he, and bump heads with the man with black hair as you get up. 

"Ahh sorry about that Boss, I guess I didn't tuck the books in all the way..." you say as you try to reach the top shelf. However the room fell very quiet after you spoke you could feel many pairs of eyes staring at you

"Did I say something wrong?" you say hoping for an answer 

"Boss?" the black haired man asked 

"Oh? You're the costumer, I basically get paid by you, so you're my Boss" you answer carefully, but once you do the atmosphere relaxes once more. 

The black haired man then gently takes the book out of your hand and places it back exactly where it was. 

"Ah, thank you Boss. So what can I get cha'?" you ask with a smile

"Hmm maybe cherry blossom tea please." he asks rather nicely, his voice was pleasant but, so so very empty...

"Of course!" you nod and walk back to the counter to make the drinks. 

The black haired man sat down once he had picked a book out to read. You walk over to the clown first, placing down a cup of tea with a slight champagne taste to it. 

"Oh~ How so very lovely~ Thank you Missy" he sipped his tea gracefully 

You place down the cherry blossom tea that the black haired man had asked for. You placed it down quietly to not interrupt his reading as he seemed really sucked into the book.

"Thank you" He said quietly, you give a small smile in response. 

The group remained at the Cafe for the remainder of the day, they all enjoyed themselves.  As you attended to any work that needed to be done at the counter you would find yourself staring at the clown or at the black haired man every so often, and each time they would look back at you, which in return would cause you to quickly return to what ever task you had to complete. 

Closing time came about and the black haired man had finished the book. He then put the book back in it's respectable place. 

With that the group paid their due and left, the clown and the black haired man were the last to leave. 

The black haired man said to you as he walked 

"You have a good amount of books that interest me, I hope you'll have me here again." 

"Of course!" you smiled as he walked out the door. You looked at the clown and he mouthed the words 

"See you tomorrow" 

You felt curiosity and fear when you realized what he had said, but you nodded anyway. 

You close up shop for the night and go home. 

His voice was familiar...that boy with the black hair...and that clown...I suppose that means I'll have two regulars at my Cafe. 

You sigh as you look across your room and see the golden cat mask you wore 5 years ago, you wondered where that boy and his friends are now... 

The clown...there's just something about him that grips my attention, but what? 

You walk over to your bed and plop down on your covers allowing yourself to relax. 

But god dammit, I hate that moment, every time you want to just lay in bed and relax some horrible or embarrassing memory floods your head stopping you from sleeping. 

You turn on your fan to create some sort of white noise, the absolute silence in the room made it feel like all those bad memories where playing so loud that it filled your ears and made the room seem to only echo those memories...

Monday finally rolls around and you get ready to open the shop, the  Cafe was usually pretty busy on Monday, students and adults rushing in to get their wake up call and rush out, some times an artist would come in and start drawing while sipping on coffee or tea, always such a nice scene. Until a clown waltzed into the Cafe and came straight to the counter. 

"Hi there missy~ Could I bother you to make me some more of that delightful drink from yesterday?~" the clown asked 

"Yes but, only if you answer my question!" you say with a confident tone.  He raised an eye brow and frowned a bit


"What's your name?" you ask

"Hisoka~" the name sent shivers down your spine, you repeated the name out loud a few times to get used to saying it 

"Pleasure to meet you Hisoka, I am (Y/N). I look forward to seeing you around here more often. 

"The pleasure is all mine~" He said that in such away that, you found that more odd than the fact that he had kissed your hand while talking.

"Also, if you don't mind, I would like to take you to lunch, is that at all possible?" Hisoka asked still holding your hand gently to his lips...

Note- I am having so much fun with this! I hope you all are too! I love you all dearly, and I'll see you all in the next chapter! 

Play Me Like a Violin (Chrollo x Reader x Hisoka)Where stories live. Discover now