Ch1 Spiders. . .

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You finished all the early morning preparations as opening hours started to roll around...

Sundays were always so slow, so to keep yourself occupied you decided to go ahead and organize the books on the shelves in the corner of the seating area.

Then you moved on to dust off some fake flowers and use them to make a little center piece for each table.

12:23 pm you stared at the clock wearily from the counter.

Ding Ding Ding

You snap your neck and look at the door, you stand up straight and see a group of 1..2..3..4567891011.....12!

Your face brightens up and you hope they become regulars at your Cafe.

"Hello! Welcome! How can I help you today?" you smile as they pick seats, most of them were grouped up, except two, two men. A clown and a man with black hair and a bandanna wrapped around his forehead.

"They say this place is a safe place for criminals, is that true?" the young looking blonde boy says to you while looking at his phone

"Yes! Yes it is! If you know anyone who needs help or if you yourself need help I ca-" you were cut off by an eye browless blonde man

"Yeah, no we're fine as is, black coffee now." he said as he looked around with a bored expression, you concealed your nen as you flash over to him, you let some aura and blood lust leek through as you slam you hand on the table he was at saying

"So sorry sir! But I don't take too kindly to awefully rude costumers, so if you don't mind please, repeat your order sir..." you spoke in a kindly tone despite the blood lust that emitted from your body.

"I said, I want black coffee now!" he repeated angrily not taking you seriously

"Hmm I must say, that tone of yours is not what I was hoping for sir, perhaps we could have some sort of contest to determine on whether you get what you want or not!" you speak sweetly,

"Maybe cooking, or a race, orrrrr maybe an arm wrestling match?" you grin as you spoke, the blonde didn't say a word, he simply wore a big smile and placed his arm down on the table waiting for you to grab his hand. A pale girl with glasses and black hair got out of her chair to let you sit across from the man.

As you sit down and grab his hand, you wear a blood curdling grin.

"Go!" the young looking blonde boy said

Both of your hands weren't budging, soon the veins in his hands started to really show through his skin.

His smile faded as he realized that he stood no chance.

You slam his hand against the table, the force was so great that he should've went flying, but he didn't. You kept your grip on his hand, yanked him down and forced him to the ground.

"Ahem, so sir, could you tell me your order once more please?" you smile with a sickly sweet voice, his face was tensed from pain, you had popped his shoulder out of place,

"One black coffee please, miss..." he spoke slow and quietly, you let him get up. He holds his arm in pain, you pat his arm in a friendly manner while also popping it back into place.

"Of course! Right away sir!" you bow and walk back behind the counter, a roar of laughter came from some of the others along with orders, yet you feel two pairs of eyes watching you carefully as you make coffees and teas.

The man with black hair and bandanna walked over to the selection of books you had in the corner, while the clown remained seated and played with a deck of cards.

You pass out each order happily. You then walked over to the clown, you took the other seat that was at the table.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink mister?" you ask as you watch him continue to mess with his cards,

"Why no thank you missy~" His voice was alluring but sent chills running up and down the spine as well.

"Hmm you know, my favorite card is...the Joker," you grab the colored Joker card, look at it for a second then turn it so that it faces the clown

"Everyone always throws out this card, because they believe that it is worthless...but when I was a kid, playing the card game War, if I got the Joker card, I was sure to win the game! Because in my version of the game, the joker was the most powerful card, after all there were only two! What about you? What's your favorite card?" you say hoping he would answer, and he did

"Hmm~ Suppose I like the Joker card too~" his voice reaches your ears sweetly yet still cold, he reached behind your ear and pulled out the black and white Joker card.
You touch behind your ear and with childlike wonderment you look at the clown with a big smile, he smirked

"You know what~I would like a drink~surprise me~" he said. You smile and get up, you hum to yourself...

As you walk away from the clown, you swiftly throw the colored Joker card back at the clown, he caught it and you swear that you saw him lick his lips, but you were unsure...

Note- God I'm addicted to this story! I can't wait to see how far I can take this! I love you all! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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