Ch8 Change of Heart

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It's been a few weeks since the boys played with you, it's been embarrassing and awkward for you every time you see them now, but weirdly enough they seem proud of that... fucking sadists...

"Hey sweet cheeks~ Could we get some coffee please?" A man with a small group of 5 were with him approached the counter and gave you quite the generous tip. The Cafe was reasonable empty.

"Right away sir!" You smile and prep the drinks. The men pick a table to sit at. You walk over being sure that you didn't spill a single drop!

"Here you go sirs!" You place a coffee in front of each men.

"Thank you sweet cheeks~" The man from before gives your ass a squeeze, you squeal from surprise and shock.

"Um?! Excuse me!?" Your tone was very firm, you see from the corner of your eye that Hisoka and Chrollo were staring daggers at these men.

"You know who we are sweet cheeks?" The man asked

"No" you answered bluntly, your straight and cold face set in.

"We're part of the Phantom Troupe!" He boasts

"Oh?" You say knowing damn well that he's lying, Chrollo and Hisoka's eyes seemed to narrow at his statement.

"Yea, so if you want to keep the business, you'll have to give up that body of yours to us, or we'll take it by force..." The man looked you up and down.

"Please leave my establishment sirs" you frown and furrow your brows.

"Then we do this the hard way—" The man reaches for you

S n a p

You bent his elbow up causing the joint to break out of place.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" The man screams,

"I said leave. . ." your tone was stern and filled with disgust.

"I'm not playing your game. Leave." you glare at the men, but their resolve was stronger than anticipated..

"Get her boys! The Phantom Troupe won't be discouraged so easily!" one of them said while another tended to the leader's arm.

" I will not repeat myself. Leave now. Or you will di- no..." you felt your head pulse badly,

'No! I've stopped killing! I can't! I won't!' you grip your head as you felt head splitting pain start to take over.

The men took advantage of this and approached you,

'Please...someone help me!' you look over to see Chrollo get up but see Hisoka grab his arm and pull him back into his seat, Hisoka's lips moved to say

"No, this should be entertaining..."

The men picked you up by the collar of your shirt and hit your face repeatedly.

Sure it stung a bit but, no noticeable marks showed on your face. However you finally were brought back from your thoughts as they poured hot coffee on your face.

'What am I doing?! I am being weak! No!'s self defense... this is the last time...they claim to want to protect me and make cure I'm safe...but now that they've found out who I am... they won't help me..."

"See Boss! She's all talk!" the men grabbed your hair and reached for your shirt. You close your eyes


Your eyes shot open as you twisted the mans wrist 360 degrees around. He screamed. A wicked smile started to grow on your face.

The other men back up. You stand up and say

Play Me Like a Violin (Chrollo x Reader x Hisoka)Where stories live. Discover now