Ch4 Fantasy

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You were in the back fixing up the shelves.

Then a tall shadowy figure walked toward you, with out warning, it pinned you against the wall.

You blinked a bit, it was Hisoka.

"Hi!"you voice was a little shaken,

"Tell me, are you afraid of me?" Hisoka asked lowly

"N-no!" You respond, you felt sick

"Oh no no no, don't lie to me deary~" he leaned in closer, your breathing grew rapid,

and you opened your eyes...


You woke up sweating and out of breathe from your dream.

You wash your face and get ready for the rest of the day.

You open up shop, and your information dealer walks in.

"Hey Heartless...there's a masquerade auction going on next month on the 5th, word is that the auction is just a cover up for a sex slave auction that is happening in the next auction room..." He spoke lowly, you pass over a coffee to him.

"I'll be there..." you smile as other costumers start to walk in. He leaves.

You tend to orders and organize the shelves of tea leaves and other condiments.

You feel someone at the counter, you stand up and turn around.

"Hello there deary~" Hisoka smirks, you eyes grew wide and you choke on air for a second

"Hi..." you clear your throat, and give a nod trying to remain a professional

"Whats bothering you?" his smirk dropped and he eyed you down

"Ah nothing, just remembered a dream I had..." you cough

"Is it possible, that I was in your little dream?~" his smirk popped up on his face again

"Uh, yeah. But it was nothing dirty, that would be very unbecoming of a store owner!" you nod as you get Hisoka's drink ready.

Chrollo walks in, he was studying some blueprints,

"Hello (Y/N), we will be here for a while, there is some business we must attend to..." Chrollo said, he looked over at you for just a second a small smile accompanied the look, his smile, albeit small struck your heart.

"Hmm..." Hisoka watched you eye Chrollo as he walked by with a disapproving look, you slide the drinks over to Hisoka mindlessly.

Hisoka walks over to Chrollo and starts studying the blue prints as well.

You look around and notice that some costumers left rather quickly, they were afraid of Chrollo and Hisoka.

You let out a sigh, the night owl crowd would start arriving soon, they always bought the most.

You walk over to Hisoka and Chrollo, you sat in the chair between the two men, the opportunity was there, and you took it.

"What cha' up to?" you ask while looking at the blue prints, it was blue prints of the auction house that you will be going to on the 5th of next month. You figured that you could use the blue print to your advantage.

"Trying to find the best points of entry and exit in case of an emergency." Hisoka lied

"Don't lie to me..." you respond bluntly

"We plan to invade a masquerade   auction next month, there are some valued gems and treasures my troupe can sell off in the black market." Chrollo said as Hisoka wore a pout

"Ah you're that Phantom Troupe aren't you?" you continue looking at the blue prints.

"Yes we are...Chrollo here is the Boss." Hisoka answered

"Oh that's why you were taken aback, should I stop calling you-" you turn to look at Chrollo, he was leaning in looking at the blueprint but, now he was looking at you, your faces were mere inches apart,

"Any way, did you need something dear?" Hisoka pulled your attention away from Chrollo and back to the blue print.

"Well, I think you should have maybe 5 people here then...

you continued to explain a brilliant plan...

...make sure this guard is out of the picture before you leave, though I'm sure you already figured that much...ahh it's getting dark, sorry." you get up from the chair, but Hisoka and Chrollo grab your wrists,

"Thank you, but who are you really?" Chrollo asks

"Hmm? I'm (Y/N) the owner of this Cafe silly!" you smile and slip out of their grip to avoid the real question and return to the counter waiting for the night crowd.

You can just barley hear Chrollo and Hisoka using your plan and assigning names to positions.

'I shouldn't be helping them...but their aura is calming down, so it shouldn't scare off my business.'

The usual crowd flocked in, including a little book club of all girls and they sat at a round table, discussing a scene from their current book

"50 Shades of Grey."

You listen to them mutter and mumble and giggle about scenes from the book, you close your eyes and listen to them talk...


You see Chrollo walk into view, he is wearing a rather tight fitting dress shirt, and he was holding a strip of fabric, a blind fold maybe?

He walks up to you and ties the blind fold around your eyes, you feel his presence press up against you and---


"(Y/N)?" Chrollo's big eyes stared into your soul, filled with worry and confusion

"Uh, what? Sorry... I was, thinking of some thing..." you look away, Hisoka raised an eye brow to this response

"Ah, well, I wanted to thank you for helping us, I must say you intrigue me more and more as time moves on... but, that can wait." Chrollo said and his eyes returned to their usual cold and blank stare

"No problem, happy to be of service!" you smile

"Ta~ ta~" Hisoka said as they left the Cafe

The night went on as usual...

Once you got home, you washed your face again

'They don't know about the I have to go...I can help those girls....'

You look over to the Golden Cat mask and white dress, gotta look the part...

Note- Thank you so much to the 8 readers that are reading this story! I'm glad you like it! I look forward to continuing this story with you! Love you! Cya next chapter~

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