Ch9 Ready? Set~ Go!

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Warning!!!- This chapter will have a lot of NSFW material, you have been warned!!

But to my fellow sinners,


"Well? What do you want for tonight Sugar?" Hisoka took you by the arm and whispered in your ear. Chrollo did the same with your other arm and whispered 

"Anything you want~" 

"You mean it?" You wore a smirk on your face.

"Anything~~" Hisoka licked and kissed your ear sending chills down your spine.

"Then~ How about both of you? You can do what ever you want, at this point I just want to see who is better at this..." You cooed, Hisoka and Chrollo chuckled. 

Hisoka Used his bungee gum to pin you to the couch in a rather lewd position, you were practically down on all fours, on your knees and hands. Both men removed their clothing and your eyes grew wide seeing their members out on display like that.

Chrollo opened some mysterious book and suddenly a second Chrollo2 appeared. Chrollo slipped under you, Chrollo2 positioned himself in front of your face, and Hisoka was at your behind. 

When your realization of what is going on finally set in you started to shutter a little, 

"Hmm? Are you scared?" Chrollo asked as his lifted his hand to your cheek, touching one of your nipples on the way. 

"I'm sure she is aren't you Sugar~?" Hisoka gripped your ass cheeks and rubbed your inner thighs. 

"N-no, on the contrary, I'm actually very very excited~" your voice came out like a moan. 

Chrollo2 slid the dress off of you. 

"Ready?" Chrollo said as he started to massage one of your breasts, and used his other hand to finger you and pull on your clit a little. 

"Set~" Hisoka stuck a finger in to your ass and used his other hand to stroke himself. 

"Go!" Chrollo2 leaned down and kissed you, he straightened himself  up and gently inserted himself into your mouth, he was a mouth full. 

Then Hisoka swiftly thrust himself inside you. 

And Chrollo started sliding into you. 

You screamed out of both pain and pleasure, after your muffled scream they each started moving at different paces which caused your vision to go blank for a second, but you were brought back by choking on Chrollo2, he pulled your hair to help you move. 

Your legs felt weak from Hisoka pounding on your back entrance.

Your stomach started to feel weird as Chrollo managed to hit your G-spot every time. 

Hisoka used his nen to act as sort of tentacles and wrapped them around your body and gripped you, as a result you tightened up your lower half. 

"Ah-h you got tighter (Y/N), it feels so good..." Chrollo grunted as his hands traveled your body, 

"So tight~ If you get any tighter I'll get stuck inside you Sugar~~" Hisoka purred as he started to get more rough with you. 

They each pulled out, and you were able to catch your breathe while they switch positions, Chrollo2 was at your behind, Hisoka was under you and Chrollo was at your face, and once again they entered inside you, you screamed again, this time you noticed that your screams and moans always caused them to moved faster and harder reaching further and deeper than before. 

Hisoka wasn't as gentle with your womanhood, he slammed  inside over and over, causing your whole body to move forward each time causing Chrollo's member to gag you. Chrollo2 was more gentle with entering you but he would slap your ass every once in a while. The noises of slapping skin and wet squishes and their deep moans and grunts made it hard to think. They each came, their load spilled out of you, except Chrollo's, he encouraged you to swallow his load. 

You were released from Hisoka's nen.  You plopped down on to your couch, breathing heavily. 

"Ara~ Ara~" you spoke softly, you got up and stumble over to your shower and took a quick warm shower, 

When you walked to your bed in your night gown, Chrollo and Hisoka were already there waiting for you. 

"Are you both the cuddly type?" you ask with a smile and giggle.

"Yeah actually, are you?" Chrollo smiled,

"I am now!" you laugh and settled down between the two men, and you fell asleep to the soft whispers of Chrollo and Hisoka arguing on who was better...

Note- Not to bad huh? I'll see you all soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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