Ch3 Competition Start

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"Well...I...I...." fear took over your body, you froze up wishing for an escape.

The black haired man walked into the Café. You relax and say

"Hello! Nice to see you again Boss!" You smile

"It is?" He questioned

"Of course!" You say as you prepare the drinks they had yesterday.

"Oh I see, then it's nice to see you too..." He said as he walked over to the books

"(Y/N), you can call me (Y/N)" you say

"Chrollo Lucifer" He said as he continued on his way...

Your smile dropped ever so slightly,

'Lucifer, Huh?'

Hisoka watched your whole exchange with a raised eyebrow and frown.

"Forget what I asked ok? I'll reserve it for another day~" he said as he took a seat.

You sigh and serve the drinks.

You place down Hisoka's drink, and he grabs your wrist gently but, his grip was strong.

"Tell me some thing deary~" Hisoka pulled you in closer, your heart started to beat faster and faster, both fear and allure pulled you into this man.

"Are you afraid of me?" His smirk returned, you felt your body want to shake,

"Enough Hisoka, my tea will get cold if you continue..." Chrollo interrupted, Hisoka let go of your wrist and you go place Chrollo's drink down.

You return to behind the counter and go to the back room, you lean against the door and fall to your knees gripping your chest. Your face was flushed a bright pink, and your body shook from fear. When your heart beat started to regulate the door opens, it was Chrollo,

"You alright? I heard some commotion." He said as he held out his hand to you. When you take his hand,he pulls you in, you remember that boy from long ago, sly fox.

His empty eyes flickered for a second... did he remember some thing too?

"Uh thank you...Chrollo" Your face turned pink again, you didn't really like anyone helping you up, you were insecure about your weight. Suppose the fear of being picked up is just a fear chubby girls have.

You keep your eyes down as you walk back to the counter, Chrollo makes his way back to his seat.


A brick broke through your window, again.

Hisoka and Chrollo got up from their chairs.

"Oh no, please sit down. This happens a lot, but attacking while I have guests?! That's taking it too far..." you grit your teeth, half of your true aura cloaks your body as you chase the truck of people who tormented you for trying to help others get a second chance.

-With Hisoka and Chrollo-

Hisoka and Chrollo were forced back into their seats, from the aura blast.

Hisoka started to breathe heavily and Chrollo placed his book down.

Hisoka licked his lips, Chrollo and Hisoka lock eye contact with each other.

"She's mine!" They both exclaim,

"You can't handle her Chrollo! Did you feel that aura? Hmm~" Hisoka groaned

"No, she chooses, she probably only sees us as costumers any way, you can't rush this sort of thing Hisoka." Chrollo bit back.

"Hmp, we'll see book worm..." he frowned and turn back around

"clown..." Chrollo responded

You walk back into the Cafe, your aura had gone back down.

"Ah sorry about that!" you rub the back of your head out of embarrassment. Hisoka gives Chrollo a smirk, he gets up and walks towards you.

"Hmm?" Your body tenses up as Hisoka gets closer, he wiped away some thing from your cheek with his finger, it was blood.

"There, all cleaned up deary~" Hisoka smirked, patted your head and left your Cafe.

Chrollo put the book back on the shelf. He paid for his drink and Hisoka's drink at the counter.

Chrollo walked over to you and said

"Good luck with the window, I'm sorry that stuff like this happens to you, you're a good person...remember that." his eyes softened, your heart starts to race and your face feels warm. Chrollo leaves.

You close up shop.

They've killed many haven't they?

Good Person huh?

Thoughts sprinted through your head just as you finally got comfortable in bed.

You look into your closet to see the white dress you wore only once.

You smile and let the no name orchestra song from your memories send you to sleep.

Note- Ooooo! I am curious to see what I think of next! Love ya! Cya next chapter!!

Play Me Like a Violin (Chrollo x Reader x Hisoka)Where stories live. Discover now