Ch5 Get Ready

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Saturday quickly rolled around,

"Hey, I'm sorry but, can you two plan in the back room today please?" you ask as Chrollo and Hisoka walk in

"Um, sure but, why?" Chrollo asked as he titled his head a little, your heart skipped a beat, but you stay composed,

"I have a special group coming in today, and uhh your presences might...cause a stir" you say trying not to sound like an ass

"Ah of course dear~" Hisoka said as he walked behind the counter to the back room, Chrollo followed

As you went on in your lectures and advice you had forgotten that Chrollo and Hisoka were in the back room...

-Chrollo POV-

"Ironic isn't it?" I said as I lean up against the wall that separated the back room and main area

"Hmm? Oh, you mean she's helping us with this little plan, yet--" Hisoka started

"-yet she's out there helping other criminals get their life straight..." I see Hisoka a little annoyed by me finishing his sentence.

"Right, so the question still stands...what does she gain from this?" Hisoka asked and he leaned on the door

"Well, I hear there's another part to the auction, one of sex slaves...maybe she wants to help them?" I say as I look over to Hisoka

"Maybe so, but, she's not coming with us...such a sweet girl~ Such powerful aura too, I will have to fight her one of these days..." Hisoka licked his lips hungrily

"For starters, true she is really intriguing...secondly, yes I agree that she is powerful, but we haven't felt or seen her full aura, I feel that there is much more to her...and finally you got an odd way of showing affection..." I stated

"At least I can show some sort of affection~" Hisoka teased

"Hey, I read about how it works in books alright?" I said and rubbed my temples

A few hours had passed

Hisoka remained against the door as he listened to (Y/N) wrap up her pep talk.

-Normal POV-

You watch as the crowd leaves. This would be a good time to go home...

You open the back door and some thing had started to fall,

'Hisoka?!' you were startled by him being there

you fell on your butt against the counter, he caught himself and placed both hands on the edge of the counter top. He was now hovering over you with slightly wide eyes, but they returned to normal as he got back up.

He held his hand out to you to help you up, you didn't take his hand.

You got up on your own, and Hisoka held a looked that was a mix of disappointment, surprise and something else that you couldn't quite identify...

"Ah, sorry I forgot you two were here, I don't mean that in a rude way of course!" you rub the back of your neck embarrassed.

Hisoka smiled and gave your head a pat,

"It's quite alright dear, we'll be leaving now anyway~" Hisoka smirked, Chrollo got up from the back room and walked to the door

"I look forward to finalizing the plan with you over the next few weeks, thank you (Y/N)" Hearing Chrollo say your name was enough to make you lose your breathe even if it was just for a second

"u-uh no prob Boss!--ack! I mean--I'm glad I could help!" you bow your head down in embarrassment, suddenly you hear a slight chuckle. You look up in shock to see Chrollo chuckling! You look at him with wonderment and the tiniest bit of a lovesick expression on your face.

" really are a wonder (Y/N)!" he wore a small smile and ruffled your hair a bit, Hisoka looked over with a frown and raised eyebrow.

They left the shop and you finally got to go home...

Over the next few weeks Chrollo and Hisoka would come over for longer periods of time to plan out the heist with your help of course...

"Are you sure you don't want to come to the auction tomorrow dear?" Hisoka asked

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm no good at that type of stuff! Hah! And could ya stop calling me 'dear'? I have a name, just call me anything but dear for a bit please...I just re-watched Bambi, not in the mood for the word 'deer' or 'dear'..." you sigh and pray that they don't point out your lie

"Ah alright, how about..." Hisoka flipped through his deck of cards

"...queen?" Hisoka suggested, Chrollo's glance shot straight to Hisoka

"I'll kill you." you replied bluntly

"A bit feisty today I see... how about...sugar?" Hisoka was looking at the menu, probably used the first word he saw...

"A bit odd...but ok?" You knew Hisoka was a bit odd anyway so you didn't mind too much, Chrollo didn't seem to approve ,but he remained silent regardless.

They both had left the Cafe.

You went home and made sure that you had everything you needed,

'They're not that scary if I think of them as friends, but it still pisses me off that they took my top spot on the charts in only five years! I know I'm strong...but Hisoka's blood lust surpasses my own depending on the situation and Chrollo....I can't really under stand him, granted I can't really understand either one of em', but still Chrollo is just infatuating and cute in a weird way...'

You finally fall asleep with the golden cat mask at the side table of your bed along with the queen and king crown...

Note- Thank you for reading this new chapter! I look for word to seeing this story grow!! Anyway, I love you all! Cya next chapter! <3

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