Ch6 Familiar Stranger

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*Time skip to auction*

Your heals clicked on the marble floors as you walked down the hall way.
You walk around with the golden cat mask on your face and the queen's crown on your head.

Your white dress flowed elegantly as you walked--

You bumped into a tall man with the mask of a crow, you lost balance and almost fell to the floor, but the man caught you.

"Ah sorry miss kitty, I hope you are not hurt~" the man with the crow mask said as he helped you regain your balance.

"Such nice manners, although it seems that my throat is a bit parched from the fall... do you think you can make it up to me?" you ask innocently, there was still time before you had to get to work so you took the time to get a drink.

"Why of course Young miss, I would be delighted" the man responded.

You both proceeded to walk arm in arm to the bar.

*An hour later*

"haha! You're such a hand full mister crow!" you laugh and take a sip from your drink

"I'm flattered Miss Kitty~" the man said, that voice seemed familiar but you dismissed it

"You know for such a crowded room, I feel a bit alone and a bit like my head is in the clouds yet suffocating  ya know?" you said

"I'm here with you now, not coming down" the man spoke as he leaned in closer the tone between you two changed

"Leave my insanity out if it, I'll go crazy over you if you're not careful..." you lean in to him a bit

"Oh~ but look what we've found, up in the clouds, this oxygen we can breathe, let the others suffocate." he put his hand on the back of your neck pulling you in closer

"Crazy? Let the madness slowly undress..." he tugged at your dress strap

"Rip the mask off over our heads, we can dive down deeper instead~" he lowered his head and kissed your neck, your heart beat picked up in speed

"Hey girl, I'd like to stay here for a while, just you and I, far from the places we can't get away from~" he said, you pull him away from your body, could it be him? From before? Only one way to find out...

-Chrollo POV-

I search the room for Hisoka, he left his post, the auction is about to start...that selfish---there he is chatting it up with some gir-- her...

I was this woman pull a crown from behind her, she placed it on top of Hisoka's head, as I got closer she said to Hisoka

"Hey boy, I like your style, I'll let you play me for a while~" she placed her hands on his neck pulling him in closer...

"Play me til' the me like a violin~" she kissed him it is her...Just as Hisoka was going to take this too far I intervene.

"aheam, Crow...we have to go" I adjust my fox mask and looked over to little miss kitty cat, I could see her eyes through the small opening on the masks, she was shocked, she did recognize me.

"Sly fox?" her voice reached my ears so nice so familiar

"Hi there Kitty" I respond, to my surprise she ran up and hugged me...Hisoka was clearly upset

"I missed yo--" she was cut off in her sentence as the auction had now started.

She disappeared.

As we continued the operation I had to put all other thoughts away...

-Hisoka POV-

Damn Chrollo...  I would have to ask him about that girl later, she was quite the interesting one, she reminded me of someone...but who?

Her smell was so nice, her perfume was intoxicating...

-Normal POV-

You rush away from the two men as the auction had now started, you continue with your plan to help those girls as organized.

*Time skip brought to you by my little puppy stepping on my keyboard*

It's been a weak since the auction now.

Nor Chrollo or Hisoka have been to the Cafe, but you did manage to get all those girls to a good place that could help them.

'Crow and Fox...Crow and Fox...could it be? No...Hisoka wouldn't have left his post especially after I had scolded him about him even entertaining the idea. But the Fox....he was there too...that couldn't be Chrollo, Hisoka wasn't there last time...'

"Arrgg" you slammed your head against the counter.

Ding Ding

"Hiiii, welcome to my humble little can I help?" you say with your head still on the counter,

"Rough night?" you hear Chrollo's voice speak as he gently helps you get your head up.

"Ehhh nah just thinking a bit too much hehe" your chin was held up by Chrollo's hand

"Aww you look so submissive surgar~" Hisoka walked in and gave you a hungry stare

"Ah, I forgot you gave me  a new nick name..." You gently took Chrollo's hand and held it for a second too long, you let go and slap your face a little to wake up yourself a bit.

They both walk over to their table and you brought their drinks to them.

"So, how did it go?" you ask as you take a seat between the two men once again.

"It was successful, thanks to your help (Y/N)." Chrollo gave you a small smile

"Yes it went sm--- you smell different...very flowery..." Hisoka raised his eye brow

"Uhhh, I have a real strong perfume...and I went to a nice little bar, and met someone." you told half of the truth, Hisoka leaned in a bit

"A date? With who?" Hisoka asked rather quickly

"Why does it matter?" you get out of the seat and back up a little, you were scared.

"We haven't seen you in a while... it's only natural that we worry." Chrollo tried to put you at ease

"I'm an adult...if I want to out, I can sleep with who I want and thats it. You don't own me! Why are you so possessive?!" You start to back up more, your back hit he book shelf.

"Not yet.." Chrollo said Under his breath

"Wha—" You were about to ask Chrollo something but Hisoka cut you off

"What's his name?" Hisoka got up and stood over you Chrollo did the same,

"I-I" fear took over your body

"Well?" Hisoka's blood lust started to flow from him at a rapid rate

"I DON'T KNOW!" you yell and push the two men out the way as you run the the back room.

You fell to your knees and started to breathe harder, you felt like Hisoka's Blood lust was suffocating you.

"We only want you safe!" Chrollo called out to you.

"I'm fine on my own! I never had anyone then! AND I SURE AS HELL DON'T NEED ANYONE NOW!" you yell felling past memories flood back to you...

You accidentally released your full Aura, the room fell silent.

You walked out from the backroom still not noticing your aura until you see Chrollo and Hisoka look at you with lustful eyes.

"So this is your full aura..." Chrollo's breathing seemed a bit off rhythm and Hisoka's pants seemed to be uncomfortable tight as he licked his lips and stared at you up and down.

"Oh...I'm in danger...."

Note-This wouldn't be my story if there was no lemons! Get ready! Next chapter is going to be very sour! I love you all! Cya next time!!

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