Chapter 2 - The Crush

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Once again Rich's thoughts will be italicized and the chapter is in 3rd person until further notice. Might do a Michael POV in this chapter too, I guess we'll find out. Spoiler I did.
- Flashback to when both Jeremy and Rich were in the hospital -
Rich hated being in the hospital. He was lonely and every part of him hurt like hell. At least he wasn't completely alone. Jeremy was next to him behind the curtain but they didn't really talk. What really pissed off Rich was that all his old buds came to visit Jeremy all the time yet some of them only came to see Rich ONCE. Even Jake. Rich's best friend. The only person that had taken any interest in Rich was Michael. At first Michael only came to see Jeremy but he noticed how no one ever came to see Rich. So after he would talk with Jeremy he would go over and hang out with Rich. Even after Jeremy was released from the hospital, Michael would come to see Rich. They really bonded and Rich began to really trust him... and develop feelings for him. The problem was Rich wasn't sure if Michael liked him back. Even if he didn't like him like that, he was grateful to have Michael as a friend. He helped with everything from coping with his lisp to talking about the squip times to physical therapy. Rich wouldn't want anyone else to be his support system.
- Back to the present -
Rich sat in science class half paying attention, half thinking about this morning. After second period the day had dragged on. It was finally 6th period and in 10 minutes he could go to lunch. He stared down at the work sheet it was about how drugs affect brain down to the smallest molecular detail. He started thinking, thinking about the squip and going insane trying to get it out. Thinking about what it did to his brain. Oh no. No no no. Not again. He felt the tears coming and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He put his hands over his face to conceal his tears. How can I get to the bathroom without anyone noticing me. He felt the bandanna on his head, took it off, and used it to swiftly wipe his tears. He then grabbed the crutches and started out of the classroom. The teacher was hesitant, but when Rich looked at her she saw all the scars on his face and his puffy red eyes, and she let him go. Once he got out he darted to the bathroom and rushed into a stall.
- Rich POV -
I run into the biggest stall and lock the door. I sink down to the floor, the crutches next to me. I plop my head in my hands and just let it all out, not thinking about my surroundings or the fact that the bell just rang. My bandanna was soaked through so I moved on to my flannel. I bunched it up and covered my face with it. I hadn't realized how loud I was crying either. I didn't care. I was lost in thought. So lost that I didn't hear when someone came in the bathroom.
- Michael POV -
The bell rang. It was finally time for lunch. I was stressed all day about Rich so I'm glad I get to check on him. I walk down the hall with my hands in my pockets talking to my best friend Jeremy, and his girlfriend Christine. I told them what happened to Rich and they were concerned-well not as much as me because I'd do anything for Rich because I love him I mean because he's like a brother to me. Heh heh. "So he actually has to go to the doctor later?" Jeremy asked me. "Yeah he said his older brother was gonna go with him." I lied straight to his face. I was not going to let them know how much I cared about Rich. "It's nice that you helped him but why? I mean didn't he used to bully you and stuff?" Christine asked me and I could feel my face turn pink. "It was... the right thing to do." I flashed a fake smile. We found an empty table and sat down. I waited for Rich to come. 2 minutes. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. Something was wrong. I anxiously looked around the cafeteria. He probably just can't find us. I think to myself, but I can't help but think the worst. I feel nauseas. "I don't feel great so imma head to the bathroom." I said to the gang as I ran for the bathroom. I walk in and hear something, is it crying? Who is that? "Hello? Is everything alright?" I don't think the kid can hear me over how loudly he's sobbing. It clicked, just like that. "Richie?" I asked softly. "It's me Michael. Bud?" I begin to worry. I hear slight moment and the sound of the stall unlocking. It opens revealing Rich hugging his knees crying into his flannel. I rush into the stall. "Richie, what happened?" In between sobs Rich tries to speak but he is unsuccessful. I lift up his head and remove the soaked flannel as he continues to cry. His hair is a mess and I can see all the scars on his face that the also soaked bandanna had covered before. I pulled him into a hug, his head against my chest. "Hey everything's gonna be ok. Everything is ok." I said rubbing his back. After several minutes he finally stopped sobbing. His face was wet from the tears and his eyes were all puffy. My shirt was all wet where his head was but at least my sweatshirt that's around my waist isn't.*important for the future* He looks at me and explains what happened with the worksheet. "Richie don't worry. It's completely normal to have PTSD." I said reassuringly. "T-to have what now?" Rich may be cute but he's not exactly the most intelligent. I don't blame him though he doesn't have the best outside of school situation. "Post traumatic stress disorder. Here I'll look up the exact definition for you: A disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.
The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions. It also says over 3 million Americans suffer from it per year. We should ask the doctor about it today." Rich simply nodded. "C'mon let's get you out of here." I took his flannel and bandanna and threw it in his bag. I took some paper towels and cleaned off his face. Luckily I had some concealer on me, and I used it to make his eyes look less puffy. I helped him up and we walked to the mirror by the sink. He fixed up his hair and looked in the mirror. "Damn you're really good at that makeup thtuff... thtuff... oh curthe my friggin lisp!" Rich exclaimed frowning down at the floor. (Stuff... stuff... oh curse my friggin lisp!) "I think your lisp is cute." I blurted out, meaning to say it in my head. My face turned a bright red and so did Rich's. "You really think tho?" He asked. "Yeah." I said twiddling my thumbs. It took me a second to realize what was happening. And then I did. Rich Goranski was kissing me. Me.
- Rich POV -
"I think your lisp is cute." Michael said to me. I felt my face burning up. "You really think tho?" I asked. "Yeah." That was all I needed. The confirmation that Michael Mell likes me back. Without hesitating I set aside the crutches and kiss Michael. When I pulled away I started rambling. "Oh my god I'm tho thorry Mikey I should've asked you firs- " I was cut off by Michael kissing me this time. A few moments later we both face the same question. "So..." (me). "So..."(Michael). As I was about to open my mouth Michael says, "Richie, will you be my b-boyfriend?" I'm overcome with happiness. "Yeth yeth yeth yes! Oh my god." I was so shocked at myself. "Rich you just said 'yes' without a lisp omg! I mean I still think it's cute." I laugh at him and hug him. He checks the time 1:15. "We should get back to the lunch room before rumors start flying." With that we walk to the cafeteria and sit by the gang. They asked a bunch of questions and I let Michael answer them as I stared off into space. Why would they want to talk to me anyway? "Rich... Rich? Richard Goranski?" Jake tries to get my attention. No luck. Michael gives Jake an 'I got this' look and softly says "Hey Richie?" I look at him. "Huh wha? What?" I see Jake, Chloe, Brooke, Christine, Jenna, Jeremy, and Michael staring at me. "You good broski?" Jake asks. "Yeah you seem kinda, off." Brooke says to me. "Oh a I'm fine." I run my fingers through my hair and take some deep breathes. "I need to tell you though... I-I have a lisp." I let out a sigh. "And Jenna I would really apprethiate (appreciate) if the retht (rest)of the thchool (school) didn't find out from you. Thorry (sorry) if that thounded (sounded) rude I'm not having the betht (best) day. Well I wathn't (wasn't) having the betht day." I smile and link hands with Michael under the table where no one can see. "Hold up hold up. I saw that." Chloe says looking right at me. "Thaw what?" I keep it cool. "The way you just looked at Michael. Omg! You two are totally together!" I look at Michael and we nod. "Well we weren't gonna say anything yet but yes, Richie is my boyfriend." I could get used to the sound of that. "And Mikey here has offered to take me to the doctor later. *gasp* I did it again!" Michael smiles at me. "Did what? Did I miss something?" Jeremy asks. "He said another word without a lisp!" Michael said to him. "Oh a congrats?" I smile and nod at him.
- Back to weird 3rd person POV -
The gang continues to talk about Rich and Michael until the bell rings. They all walk out together and then split to their last class of the day. Rich had chorus and so did Michael so they walked to the auditorium. They were supposed to stand on the risers, but Rich couldn't because of the crutches so the teacher put a chair next to them for him to sit in. Rich actually enjoyed chorus, especially when Michael was there. Back in the hospital they would sing together and it was always super fun. The only problem was Dustin was also in chorus, and he kept eying Rich. As soon as the class was over. Michael saw Dustin approaching Rich and knew Rich wasn't fast on crutches. Without thinking twice he threw on Rich's school bag, threw his own bag (satchel style) over his shoulder, picked up Rich over his shoulder in one hand, and grabbed the crutches in the other. I know it's completely illogical, just go with it. He ran out the building and into the bike rack section where they were safe. He put Rich down and apologized. "Why are you apologizing? You jutht thaved me again. Thank you Mikey!" Rich took the crutches but Michael refused to give him his bag. Michael unlocked Rich's bike and they walked to the PT Cruiser together. Michael put the bike and the crutches in the back and helped Rich to the passenger seat. Michael then got in and drove to the doctor.

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