You Found Me Lying There

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"gee? Wake up!"

Gerard was shaken awake by someone. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. His back hurt like a bitch. Probably because he passed out on the cold pavement. Ok...who was shaking him awake?

"F-Frank...?" Gerard blinked a few more times and his vision cleared. Frank Iero, all 5'4 of him, was kneeling down beside Gerard.

"You ok, gee? What happened?" frank asked, concerned. "I was walking to the corner store and then you were just fuckin passed out on the sidewalk..."

Gerard held his head in his hands and took deep breaths. "can I borrow your phone?" he asked.

Frank nodded quickly and handed Gerard his phone. Gerard found Mikey's number and hit 'call'. Mikey picked up after a few rings, sounding tired.

"yes frank?" he said.

"oh, um...hi mikes. It's me.." Gerard said, running a hand through his long, black hair.

"Fuck, Gee! Where are you?" Mikey said, startled.

"can you pick me up? I'm uh..." Gerard checked his surroundings. "I'm by the cemetery gates. Near the corner store. Franks with me."

Mikey sighed. "ok Gerard. I'll be there soon"

"thanks Mikey..." Gerard ended the call and passed the phone back to Frank, who was silent. There's a first. Then frank looked up at him.

"Gerard are you alright?" he asked, squinting at Gerard's face. Gerard just half-smiled and nodded, internally screaming out 'NO!'

Frank nodded slowly then looked up quickly. Mikey pulled up next to them and climbed out the car. He straightened his beanie and inspected Gerard over his glasses.

"you coming home?" he asked. Geared got to his feet and walked to the car unsteadily. He climbed into the passenger side and looked out the window. There was a tree right outside.

"hey, that's the tree I was talking to..." he thought to himself. Gerard shifted his haze to look out the other window. What was taking Mikey so long?

His gaze fell on Mikey, whispering to frank and looking his way every now and again. Gerard's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"they're talking about me" he told the tree. It rustled in the wind and Gerard sighed.

Mikey climbed into the drivers side and started the car. "If mum finds out about this, we're dead. Not only because you got so drunk, you passed out on the sidewalk, but I'm not supposed to be driving." Mikey pointe out.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah. You're not old enough and blah blah..." he sighed again and put his head into his hands.

Mikey stared at him for a couple more seconds before pulling away from the curb. Frank stood on the sidewalk, waving goodbye.

Gerard waved his hand in franks direction a few times before falling back into his thoughts.

He had so much to think about...


Hey hey! Hope you're all enjoying the story so far....

Warning, the fic gets quite dark from here. So...if you're looking for a happy story about a magical pixie fairy, here is not the place. Sorry to disappoint....

But yeah, from here it gets dark....So....

LOVE YOU ALL ~stevie <3

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