Is He Fixed Or Broken?

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Finn woke up in the morning pressed up against something.


Scrambling back, he peered at the person. Dark hair, lip piercing, pretty face, Andy. He was in bed with Andy Biersack. Oh my god.

Breathing heavily, Finn lifted the sheet and checked. Yep. No clothes. Another check confirmed Andy wasn't clothed either.

Finn lay back and tried to think back. He was never good with mornings. They hated him, he hated them. Simple, really.

Realization dawned on Finn and his eyes went wide.

"that was a great movie!" Finn enthused.

Andy laughed and slung an arm around Finn. "sure was. Although I wasn't really paying much attention. There was something MUCH more interesting to look at...."

Finn glanced at Andy. Was he flirting? Was Andy gay?

Reading his mind, Andy rolled his eyes and threw his other arm around Finn and crashed their lips together. Finn staggered a bit and then kissed back fiercely. Well that answered that question....

The kiss deepened further, the two guys caught up in each other. Mothers with their children tittered and bustled past, covering little people's eyes. Someone made a disgusted noise as they walked past.

Neither boy noticed.

Andy broke away and grinned. "your place or mine?"

Finn took his keys from his back pocket and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "which way to yours?"


A flush worked it's way up Finn's face as he remembered. Oh god. The details. Wow.

Andy stirred and threw an arm around Finn's waist, pulling him close. "hey there" he murmured, voice husky.

"hiya...." Finn was getting distracted by the small kisses being placed on his neck.

"hm, what's on the agenda for today?" andy asked.

Finn pecked Andy and hopped up, pulling on boxers. "we gotta check on gee. He and frank left early last night and I'm kinda worried."

Andy nodded and got up. "alright then"


Mikey stumbled out of bed and made his way, bleary eyed, to the coffee machine. He needed coffee and quick. It was too early to be awake. Stupid next door neighbors and their need to renovate.

Mentally shaking his fist in the general direction of their house, Mikey poured himself a cup of coffee, downed it and poured another. "uuuggghhh fuck the neighbors!" he said loudly.

Glancing out the window, he saw the paperboy throw the Daily Mail onto the front lawn. "uuuggghhh fuck the daily mail!"

Gerard came downstairs, followed by Frank. "why are you fucking the daily mail? That ain't healthy little brother" he said, smiling widely.

Mikey went to retort but stopped. Gerard was smiling. Smiling.

"aw my gosh Gee!" he squealed, throwing his arms around the older man. "you're smiling!!"

Gerard smiled again, running his hand through Mikey's already messy hair. "I guess I am"

Mikey grinned up at him. "coffee?"

Gerard rolled his eyes. "is this even a question?" he pointed out.

"true true"

Mikey set to work, making celebration coffee for him, Gerard and Frank.

His brother was SMILING!

He was healing...

"frank, whatever you're doing? Keep doing it" Mikey said.

Frank blushed. "just bein me..."

Gerard smirked and kissed his forehead. "keep it that way"


Omg only one chapter left :'( wahhh!!

It'll be up very soon! Ily guys, ok?


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