Panic Attacks and Angry Mausoleums

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Frank woke to the sounds of music playing. Hm that's was accompanied by a buzzing sound....but that meant...

"Finn....PHONE...." frank yelled sleepily.

He heard Finn laugh and the music cut off. "hello?"

"oh Mikey, hi! ......frank didn't answer his phone?"

Frank sat up and checked his phone. 5 missed calls from 'MikeyWayyyy' . "sorry" he called.

Finn waved a hand at him and frowned. "Mikey....Mikey calm down....I cant understand you if you don't calm down!"

Frank got up and raced over to where Finn was standing, wearing only boxers. Damn. "No frank, this isn't the time to admire your hot boyfriend" Frank mentally scolded himself.

"give me the phone, I'll see if I can calm him down" frank whispered.

"yeah, Mikey? I'll put frank on.....yes we'll be on our way soon, ok....just calm down...."

Finn handed frank the phone and began getting dressed. "Mikey?" frank held the phone up to his ear and listened.

"F-Frank! I-I woke up this m-morning and I w-went to Gerard's r-r-oom and h-he wasn't t-there!" Mikey stuttered.

"he wasn't there? Ok well, Mikey, take deep breaths, get your inhaler? I don't know, what do you usually do?" frank said helplessly.

Mikey didn't reply for a few seconds and then frank heard the sound of his inhaler. "ok...I-I think I'm ok-k now...." he breathed.

Frank sighed in relief. "ok we'll be there soon, mikes. Just...calm ok?"

"ok frank" Mikey hung up.

Frank jumped into action, pulling on his clothes and lacing his shoes. Finn was already standing by the door, leather jacket on and keys in hand. Frank was finally ready and he flew out the door.

Finn started the car and they drove off towards Gerard and Mikey's house. Frank stared out the window the entire time, searching for a sign of Gerard.


Frank and Finn burst through the door and went straight to Mikey, who was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Where would he have gone?" Finn asked quickly.

Mikey shrugged. "coffee shop? Maybe the cemetery...?"

Frank pointed at Mikey. "the cemetery! That's where I found him last time!"

"well let's go!" Finn said, pulling out his keys again.

They all walked out towards his black Maybach Landaulet. He had an expensive car, bought with the money he earned from busking around the city. It was a nice car. Frank loved Finn's car.

Mikey came up close to frank. "what if he's tried it again, frank?" he whispered, worried.

Frank poked him. "I'm sure he hasn't, Mikey. Think positive" he grinned but on the inside, was terrified.

What if Gerard had tried again....


Gerard had a splitting headache and his back ached. He really shouldn't sleep on mausoleum doorsteps anymore. It's bad for the spine...

He sat up and clutched his head. "ow....mother fucker....." he groaned and rubbed his temples.

Gerard stood and wandered around the mausoleum. He checked the name. It had worn away with age and he could only make out 'Ma' and 'Pin'.

"I shall call have a weird name MaPin. Where did you get it?" he asked the door.

The door didn't reply. Gerard frowned. "MaPin? Don't you like me? I'm sorry I slept on you....forgive me please?"

When the door still didn't answer, Gerard sighed in frustration. A loud sound startled him, making him turn.

A black car pulled up at the cemetery gates and three people climbed out. One was Frank, one was Mikey and one was....Finn

Gerard pouted and sat back down on the doorstep. "why is he here?" Gerard asked the mausoleum moodily, crossing his arms. "and these stones are cold"

The wind blew through the trees, whipping Gerard's hair around. He shivered and shrunk in on himself, pulling his hoodie tighter.

"Gerard? Geraaaaard!!"

Gerard looked up and saw Frank. Frank was looking around, searching for someone. It took a moment for it to register that he was searching for Gerard. Oh

"should I go?" he asked the door.

The door STILL didn't reply.

"well you're no fun..." Gerard sulked and stood up. He walked toward frank and waved.

Frank grinned with relief and ran toward Gerard. He pulled him into a giant hug. "we were so worried" he whispered.

Gerard awkwardly hugged back and then let go. He put his hands in his pockets and kicked at the leaves surrounding them.

"Gee, what's wrong...?" frank asked, reaching out for his best friend.

Gerard shrunk away from his outstretched hand. "You should hate me" he whispered and before frank could reply, he walked away.

He walked over to Mikey. "I'm sorry for worrying you. You didn't have another panic attack did you?" he asked anxiously.

When Mikey looked guilty, Gerard hugged him tight. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to....."

Mikey hugged back. "Don't scare me like that gee..."

"I'm sorry"

Mikey led Gerard back to the car. "let's get you home"

Gerard shook his head. "I like it here" he said.

Mikey stared at him. "what? This is a cemetery. You can't stay here"

Gerard looked back at the mausoleum and then at his tree. "but that tree is my friend. The mausoleum is mean sometimes but I think if we give it a chance-"

Mikey cut him off. "Gee are you still drunk?" he asked.

Gerard shook his head. "I don't think so..."

Mikey put a hand to his forehead. "and uh, how long have the trees and mausoleum doors been talking to you?" he asked, glancing at frank and Finn.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "a few days. And Mikey, the door doesn't talk. It kind of hates me" he said it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

Mikey looked Gerard over, concerned. Frank and Finn did the same. Gerard huffed impatiently. Mikey stepped back and went to frank and Finn.

"I think we'd better take him back to the hospital...." he whispered, glancing at Gerard, who had started talking to the tree again.

Finn nodded. "let's get him in the car..."


I think the drugs and alcohol have finally caught up to Gerard. Now they're affecting his brain....Hm...

Enjoy my lovely readers!!

~Stevie <3

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