Im Sorry

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"no frank. I'm sorry for being in love with you. You have Finn. Mikey shouldn't have said anything...." Gerard raked a hand through his messy hair and waited for Frank's reply.

None came.

Gerard waited.

Still nothing.

He peeked out from behind his hair toward Frank. Frank was just standing there, analyzing Gerard.


Frank eyes snapped up to Gerard's face and pain flickered across his features. "Stop it..." frank whispered.

"Stop...stop what?" Gerard asked, confused.

"Stop being so damn.....Ugh! I have Finn...." Frank said, frustrated. He sank to the floor. "I have Finn...."

Gerard fell on his knees next to Frank. He put one finger under Frank's chin and lifted his head. Frank's eyes met Gerard's.

"I know you have Finn. I'm happy for you, Frank. Really, I am...."

Frank buried his head in Gerard's shoulder. "Help me, Gee!"

"With what?"

Frank lifted his head and his eyes met Gerard's. "what do I do?"

"not entirely sure what you're on about, Frankie"

Frank sighed in frustration. "I love Finn...."

Gerard nodded. "Yes"

"But..." frank trailed off.

"But?" Gerard pressed.

"But I also love you!" Frank exploded. He leant up and crashed his lips against Gerard's.

Gerard froze and then melted into his arms. They kissed, there on the floor, until there was a small gasp behind them. They broke apart and were met with the sight of Finn.


" was late and I thought....I thought you'd want to come home....and I...." Finn's blue eyes filled with tears and he fled the room.

"Finn!" frank yelled, jumping up and running after the distraught man.

"Finn!" Frank caught up to Finn and grabbed his jacket. Finn spun around and flung Frank's hand away. Tears ran down his face and he wiped at them furiously.

"I thought you loved me, Frank! I thought you LOVED ME!"

A single tear ran down Frank's face and he shook his head. "Finn I'm sorry....I did love you...but-"

"oh, no I get it. You love Gerard more? Save your breath. I've heard it all before..." Finn turned on his heel and ran out to the front door.

Mikey, Bob and Ray came down the stairs, all looking confused.

"what happened?" Ray asked, looking from Frank to the open door. "Wheres Gerard?"

Frank let out a choked sob and fell to the ground. Mikey rushed forward and rubbed his back, murmuring comforting words.


Bob and Ray went in search of Gerard. They walked into the kitchen and saw him still on the floor, looking shocked and upset.

"I didn't mean....I'm sorry..."

Bob knelt next to him and pulled his arms back from his body. "Come on buddy. Let's get you to bed"

Ray grabbed one of Gerard's arms and pulled him to his feet. Bob stood and helped Ray take him to his room.


As they passed through the hall, Gerard locked eyes with Frank.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

Frank shook his head. "s'not your fault...all my fault..."

Bob gave gerard a gentle shove. "upstairs"

Gerard let himself be led upstairs and to his room. He collapsed onto the bed without bothering to change clothes. He burrowed under the covers and Ray flicked off the light.

"Try and sleep, ok? Hopefully all this shit will be sorted in the morning..."

Bob and Ray left the room, closing the door with a soft click. Gerard snuggled under the covers further and started to cry.

Deep sobs filled his body and tears ran down his face. He didn't mean to hurt Finn. He was happy for Finn and Frank. It was Frank who kissed him....but he kissed back...

Gerard cried until he could cry no more. He wiped at the running eyeliner and sniffed. Sighing, he turned over and closed his eyes. Might as well sleep...


"Frank, what happened?" Mikey asked.

Frank ran his fingers under his eyes, wiping away the eyeliner. "well you guys left....Gerard went normal and asked what happened. I told him about his condition and he started apologizing. At first I thought it was for being Schizophrenic but then he started apologizing for liking me. Then I looked at him and realized that I kinda like him back..."

Mikey sighed. "and then?"

"And then I kissed him...Finn had come to pick me up, so he walked in. He saw gee and I. Got pissed. Yelled at me. Fled the house. I'm most likely never going to see him again...."

Mikey frowned and put a hand over his eyes. "I'm too young to be Doctor Phil..."

Frank let out a shaky laugh. "the glasses don't help..."

Mikey flipped him off. "I'll talk to Finn, ok? I'll see if I can make him hate you a little less"

Frank grinned and hugged Mikey. "Thanks dude! You're like....a superhero!"

Mikey sighed. "yay....super Mikey to the rescue..." he pulled out his phone and dialed Finn.


Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Im so so sorry about the shortened of chapters. Forgive me? xx


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