Movies and Meeting Andy

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Gerard stood out the front of the movie theatre, huddling in on himself. Finn stood next to Frank and the two were in a deep conversation. Gerard leaned in a little and began listening in.

"So what time does the movie start?"

"uh..." frank checked his watch. "twenty minutes"

"and who are we meeting?"

"a friend of mine...."

"is that all I'm getting? Any details at all? A name?"

Frank smiled impishly. "Andy Biersack. He's a good friend of mine."

Finn was silent for a moment and then he looked at Frank through his eyelashes. "is he....?"

Before frank could reply, there was a yell from behind them.

"Hey Frank! Long time, absolutely no see!"

A grin split Frank's face and he ran toward the stranger. "Andy! Dude, it's been too long!"

Andy tugged Frank into a hug. They pulled apart and walked over to Finn and Gerard.

Frank gestured to Andy. "Guys, this is Andy Biersack. Andy this is Finn and my boyfriend Gerard."

Gerard blushed a little at the word 'boyfriend'. He held out a hand. "Hi Andy"

Andy took his hand and shook it. "so good to finally meet you. God knows I've heard a lot" Andy shot a look at Frank, who shrugged and looked embarrassed.

"it's not my fault he's so amazing...."

Andy turned to Finn who looked stunned. "hi there. Andy" he held out his hand, which Finn took.

"Hi...I'm Finn..." Finn said shyly.

Andy grinned and turned to the theatre. "shall we?"


Finn was stunned. Very much so.


Long, dark hair. Eyeliner. Leather pants and jacket. He was....gorgeous....

It took Finn a moment to realize Andy had approached him and extended a hand. "Hi there. Andy"

Finn tore his eyes away from Andy's amazing eyes and took his hand. "Hi...I'm Finn...." he said shyly.

Andy turned toward the theatre and grinned back at Finn. "shall we?" he asked.

Frank, Gerard and Finn nodded and the four of them walked into the theatre. First stop, snack bar.


Frank wandered into the snack bar, pulling Gerard behind him. His eyes lit up and he looked around him like a kid on Christmas.

Gerard slipped his hand into Frank's. "what do you want, sweetie?" he asked quietly.

Frank turned to him. "I don't know...." he said truthfully.

Gerard looked around and pointed. "Popcorn?" he offered.

Frank gasped and turned. "yeeesss!" he half-squealed, running toward the popcorn machine.

Gerard inwardly smiled. "my excited little monkey" he said to himself before going to assist Frank, who had managed to spill popcorn everywhere.


Finn followed Andy to the snack bar and the two guys started looking.

"candy?" Andy asked, showing Finn a packet.

Finn nodded and took it. Andy grinned widely at him and Finn's breath was knocked out him. The guy was just too gorgeous for words.

"can I buy you a drink?" Andy asked, mock-sexy.

Finn laughed breathlessly and nodded. "why yes, yes you can."

Andy threw him a careless smile and bought two drinks. He returned and handed one to finn.

"why thank you, kind sir" Finn said, pretending to fan himself with his hand. Well....half pretended

Andy flicked his hair out his face and jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "let's go meet up with Frank and Gerard?"

Finn nodded and the two walked back. Frank was laying on one of the couches, head in Gerard's lap. Gerard held both their drinks and a giant box of popcorn.

"pack-muling your boyfriend much?" Andy teased.

Frank sat up and took his drink. "shall we go into the theatre?"

Finn, Andy and Gerard nodded and they all made their way into Theatre 4.

Their seats were up the back. The opening ads started up and the lights dimmed.

~ Frank sat next to Gerard. Finn sat next to Frank and Andy sat next to Finn ~

The movie started and Finn felt Frank burrow into Gerard. He smiled and looked back to the screen.

They had chosen a horror film. Finn loved horror films. But Andy didn't.

Halfway through the movie, Andy jumped and pressed his face into Finn's shoulder. Finn froze and then slowly placed his arm around Andy. Andy shot him a grateful look and snuggled into him.

Frank grinned knowingly at Finn and mouthed "get in there"

Finn flushed and flipped him off. Frank grinned wider and turned back to the movie.

Finn tightened his grip on Andy and smiled to himself. He was cuddled up in the dark with possibly one of the hottest guys he'd ever seen. was good.


Hehehehehehehehehehe Andy

Andy Biersack is now in my fic. I'm happy ^-^

Enjoy the chapter guys! Comment feedback? Vote? Add to your library? Idk



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