I See You Lying Next To Me

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Gerard woke to murmuring. He opened his eyes slightly and scanned the room.

Frank and Mikey sat together talking quietly, trying not to wake Gerard. Mikey sighed and leant back. His eyes flickered over to his brother and he noticed he was awake.

"Hey Gee. Did we wake you?" he asked, sitting forward.

Gerard shook his head. "No" he lied.

Suddenly frank piped up. "hey, I've just noticed....but where are your parents?" he asked.

"holiday in London or some shit..." Mikey waved away the thought.

"Do they know Gerard's in here?" frank pressed.

Mikey sighed. "honestly? They don't really give a shit about Gerard and I anymore. They told us that about a month ago when they left for London."

Frank gasped. "oh...I'm sorry guys..."

Gerard shrugged. "you didn't know. Now you do"

Frank bit his lip and stared worriedly at Gerard. Mikey sighed loudly and got up. "I'm going to get some coffee. I'll bring you some back, ok guys?" without waiting for an answer he left, pulling on his grey knit beanie.

Frank stood and walked over to Gerard. He sat on the edge of the bed and took Gerard's hand. "don't worry about your parents, Gee. I'll keep you safe"

Gerard kind of melted in happiness. Even though Frank was just being a good friend, hearing those words made him tingle.

"thank you.." he breathed.

Frank smiled and squeezed his hand. "anytime gee..."

Gerard shut his mouth before he said something more. Something like "I really want to kiss you" or "please make out with my face, right now"

Frank closed his eyes and leant against the wall. His chest, under the Misfits shirt, rose and fell softly with every breath he took. Gerard studied him as he lay there. He looked almost angelic.

Frank cracked open an eye and grinned. "you're staring..." he said, embarrassed.

A blush crept up Gerard's face, coloring his cheeks with pink. "sorry" he said sheepishly.

Frank laughed quietly. "I don't mind..." he leant back and closed his eyes again. A few minutes later, he was asleep and snuggled up against Gerard.

Gerard looked down at Frank. He had an idea...Gerard reached across and grabbed his sketchbook. He pulled out a pencil and flipped to a fresh page.

Gerard leant over the page and began to sketch Frank's sleeping figure.

After ten minutes or so, Gerard sat back and studied his work. A perfect sketch of frank lay on the page before him. Ever little detail, every little thing, even the details in franks visible tattoos. Gerard was pleased with his work.

He flipped over the page and went to start a drawing of the room. He stopped suddenly as he realized the page was already filled.

His note to Mikey...


guys! guys! I just watched Little Red Riding Hood, the one with Amanda Seinfeld in it. Omg I loved it!! Absolutely amazing <3

And on a different note....I'm going off to write more! Sorry again for the short chapter, I've been experiencing some minor writer's block, but I'm hoping to get over it soon.

I'm really enjoying writing this...even though it's quite dark...

I hope you guys are still enjoying this fic. Remember to like/comment/favorite/other stuff

I love you guys sooo sooo much!!

~Stevie <3

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