The Coffee Date

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Gerard arrived out the front of the coffee shop, feeling nervous. He was there to meet Frank and his boyfriend. Frank's boyfriend. Just thinking about it crushed Gerards heart a little more each time.

Mikey had let him walk to the coffee shop without him. Good to know he finally trusted Gerard enough not to jump in front of a bus. Not that Gerard hadn't thought about it. Anything would be better than facing this.

Gerard took a deep breath and walked inside. He immediately saw frank sitting at a booth with someone else.

Frank heard the door open and turned. His face lit up when he saw Gerard and he waved his arm. "Gee! C'mon over!" he called.

Gerard made his way over and sat in the booth seat across from Frank and his boyfriend. "Hi there" he said quietly.

Frank smiled and put his hand around the stranger's shoulder. "Gerard, this is Finn. Finn, this is my best friend Gerard."

Finn smiled and extended a hand. "Hi Gerard. It's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much"

Gerard shakes Finn's hand. "Nice to meet you too Finn." Not really....

Frank slipped his hand into Finn's and grins at him, eyes full of happiness. Gerard looked around uncomfortably and then stood. "I'll go get us some coffee?"

Frank turned to Finn. "what did you want baby?" he asked.

Finn deliberated for a moment. "uh I'll just have an iced coffee, thanks"

Frank smiled up at Gerard. "you know my usual" Gerard nodded and started walking away.

Finn jumped up and stopped him. Confused, Gerard turned to see Finn handing him a twenty dollar note. "to pay for everyone. My treat" Finn smiled.

"t-thanks..." Gerard walked off to the counter. The lady at the cash register smiled at him and asked his order.

Gerard ordered and then leant back against the counter, waiting for the coffee. It had only been a few minutes, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw the girl from before.

"Hey, I just wanted to say, you're extremely cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Gerard looked at the girl and sighed. "sorry, honey, but I don't bat for that team...." he said.

Her face fell a little. "oh well. Worth a are very cute though..." she winked and handed him his order.

Gerard stumbled out thanks and walked back to the booth. Frank was laughing at Gerard's face. "your face dude! Oh my god, you looked that scared. What did she do?" he asked between laughter.

Gerard blushed and handed everyone their drinks. "she tried to ask me out on a date. Told her I didn't bat for that team." Gerard cast a glance at the girl behind the counter. "she seemed disappointed..."

Finn laughed and took a drink of his coffee. "who can blame her?"

Frank pouted and leant in to Finn. "what? I thought I was the only one! I feel betrayed!"

Finn laughed and kissed Frank's nose. "you're the only one, baby" he whispered endearingly.

Gerard felt sick. He couldn't sit and watch the man he loved flirt with his boyfriend. It almost hurt physically. He gripped his coffee and stared at the floor.

"so, Gerard, how have you been lately?" Finn asked, drinking from his cup of coffee.

Gerard just looked at him. The memories flooded back to him. His eyes filled with tears and he took a deep breath, blinking them away.

Finn looked confused. Frank leant in and whispered to him. "Gee hasn't been the best. Please don't push..." Finn nodded and looked back at Gerard. "Gerard, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stir up anything..."

Gerard lifted his gaze to Finn and shook his head. "s'ok..."

Frank brightened and changed the subject, quicker than lightning. Gerard sighed quietly and settled in for the heartache.


Don't hate Finn....Please

Thanks for reading along guys. Remember, even though I don't have many readers, I love you all so much!!

Feedback is appreciated n__n


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