Movies and Painful Sketches

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After an excruciating hour putting up with Finn and Frank being adorable together, it mercifully ended. Finn shook Gerard's hand goodbye and Frank gave him a giant hug.

"Call me ok? Y'know, of you need anything" he smiled at Gerard and then walked off, holding hands with Finn.

Gerard sighed and turned the opposite way, starting his journey home. He walked slowly, hands in his jacket pockets. It was just barely dark and there weren't many people around.

Gerard wandered in silence until he reached his house. He walked in and made a beeline for his room.

Mikey came out of the kitchen and stopped him. "How did it go....?" he asked, worry in his eyes.

Gerard shrugged and looked at his shoes. Mikey sighed and put an arm around Gerard. "Let's go watch a movie, eh big bro?" he offered.

Gerard nodded and they walked into the lounge. Gerard sat on the couch while Mikey picked a movie.

"Tucker and Dale vs Evil? Or Scream?" Mikey asked, pulling out two DVDs.

Gerard pointed at Tucker and Dale. Mikey smiled and put it in. "Needless gore and humor..."

Mikey climbed onto the couch and snuggled up to his brother. Gerard looked down at Mikey and thought "just like old times...before all the shit I caused..."

The movie ended and Mikey yawned. Gerard was silent. Mikey poked him in the ribs, trying to tickle him. Gerard didn't smile.

Mikey frowned and played with his fingers. "Gerard...have I done something wrong?" he asked.

Gerard shook his head.

"well then why won't you talk to me?"

Gerard shook his head again.

"Do you hate me?" Mikey asked quietly, looking at his hands.

Gerard looked at Mikey and took one of his hands. "No Mikey. You're my brother...You're geeky and shy and you make perverted puns. When we were younger you used to leave mini chocolate bars on my bed when you knew I was having a bad day. I love you. You're my little bro...."

Mikey wrapped his arms around Gerard and sniffled. "love you too Gee..."

"now c'mon! It's late and you've got class in the morning!" Gerard shooed Mikey, who poked out his tongue.

"Bite me!" he called over his shoulder.

Gerard got up and wandered to his room. He lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. After a while, he was bored. Gerard got up and snagged a new sketchbook from his desk. He put the pencil to the page and began drawing.

Half an hour later, he sat up and looked at what he had drawn....

A scene sat before him, drawn onto the page. It was Frank and Finn, at the coffee shop, rubbing their noses together, giggling uncontrollably. Gerard stared down at his work, remembering that moment entirely, every detail.

A further inspection, showed Gerard on the other side of the table. He had an expressionless face, but in his eyes you could see the pain. The hurt and the suffering as he watched the love of his life, completely happy with someone else.

Gerard sighed in frustration and threw the sketchbook across the room. Why him? What had Gerard done to the universe to make it hate him?

Gerard knew of only one way to deal with the pain...he strode to his bathroom and grabbed the razor.

"Damn Frank. Damn Finn. Damn their adorableness. Damn them. Damn it, damn it, damn-OW!"

Gerard cleaned his arms and pulled on a AMEN hoodie. Tugging the sleeves down, he climbed into bed. His eyes closed but he did not sleep.

He had too much to think about...


Hmm...Gerards way of dealing with pain is bad. Never resort to that shit. Ok? You're all beautiful people. Don't hurt yourself....promise me that. Ok? Ok :)

I had a lot of fun writing the brotherly moment :')

Also, 'Tucker & Dale vs Evil' is my favourite movie of ALL TIME. it's absolutely hilarious and has lots of needless blood & gore. I love it XD

Can anyone spot the perverted joke i slipped in...? If you can, comment and you can have a virtual cookie ;)


~Stevie <3

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