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-3rd person-

Miyoung and Seungyoun were sitting still, looking at each other, but when Seungyoun almost said something a very loud sound was heard.

-Miyoung POV-


Seungyoun ran to help Jimin because she felt of the stairs. I came to help him but he said that everything's alright and he just needs to check if she is okay..and she wasn't. Something happened to her ankle.
He brought her to her car and asked me:

"Did you have been drinking today? "

"I- I fucking did. Now.. how do I bring her to the hospital ? "

"Let me. I didn't drank because I had to bring a friend home tonight."

"Okay I'll help you to put her in the backseat. " I said trying to hold her hand and lay her in the car.

"Give me the keys."

"I think they are in Jimin's bag..let me-"

"It's okay. I got them" Seungyoun smiled while holding the keys.

We got in the car and drove to the nearest hospital.

When we got to the hospital the doctor asked us which one of us wants to come with Jimin and I just let Seungyoun to.

Me and Jimin have known each other for 4 years, while they are high school buddies.

After 20 minutes he came back alone and sat down beside me.
He let a long sight and I looked at him.

"How is she? "

"She twisted her ankle. Is not that serious"

"I think it is.."

"Yeah" Seungyoun closed his eyes and let his head down.


"Just stop.. I'm tired" Seungyoun said

A long and silent break came between us. After 30 minutes he fell asleep. I don't know what he's angry about, but he had a tough time lately. I put his head on my shoulder and played with his hair for like..5 minutes.

"Why do we have to be like this? " he said silently.


"We literally started fighting and we are very awkward since I came back. "

"I really don't know why we are awkward but is there something that's bothering you?"

"I'm very tired and I can't take any more shit right now..I went through a lot shit and I don't want more, plus I don't have someone to understand me and to talk .. about all that stuff. "

"I've been here for almost 6 years and I'll be here. Just come and talk with me" I released his hair easily and looked in his eyes. I've never seen the shine in his eyes before.

He started to tell me everything, how stressful it was and that he thinks all his work wasn't enough because the reactions weren't good.

I started to tear up but in that moment the doctor came with Jimin and I wiped the sad, little tear from my cheek.

Seungyoun drove us to my house and helped me to bring Jimin in my bed.

"Seungyounieeee~ thank you for not letting Miyoung drive.I think she drank a looooot" Jimin said

"Yeah, yeah but you're more drunk and that's why you twisted your ankle. Stay there and sleep. 'Night! "

Me and Seungyoun came downstairs.

"Should you sleep here or-"

"Did you forget that the party is still on? And is not even my I need to go."

"Of course.. "

"Can I borrow Jimin's car and bring it this morning.. in like 2-3 hours?"

"Is not like she can drive.. so take it" I said while yawning.

"You go to sleep I got it. Good night Miyoung.  "

"Good night." I closed the door.

The next day
10:13 AM

"How did you come down the stairs like that?" I looked worried at her foot.

"Actually.. Seungyoun came here like 3 hours ago to tell me that he brought me my car back and helped me to came down. "

"Oh yeah I let him take your car so he could go back to the party." I said picking something from the fridge.

"D.O.N.T  D.O  T.H.A.T  fucking A.G.A.I.N!!! That asshole just scratched my FUCKING car. You two will pay for this shit!" Jimin yelled angry and annoyed trying to reach me but just falling down.

"Ar-are you okay?" worried I picked her from the cold floor and put her on the couch.

"Do you think I can live alone like that?" Jimin said while mimicking a sad face.

"Stay here" I said knowing the game she was playing

!!! !!! !!!

My phone started receiving some notifications.

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