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-English is not my first language, so I am sorry if there is any grammar spelling or if there are some words that are missing.-


I am still shocked after the final of Produce X 101 and the happiest person in the world right now.

For all these years Seungyoun struggled to be successful and to be known to the world.. he thinks he failed but his music really is something else. The company talked with him about PDX101 and he accepted and never dropped ranks.

He called me this morning and asked me if I want to celebrate with him and more friends and of course my answer was yes.

-after 5 hours-

"JIMIN! I literally have nothing to wear! Come here you little.. "

"God why are you yelling?! " Jimin yelled as she came upstairs

"Did you bring me something? "

"..If you refer to clothes, why would I? "

"You talk like you don't know me. " I said a little calmer

"Why don't you just throw something on not like we're going to a date or a special occasion."

" Seungyoun's future debut isn't a special occasion? "

"IT ISN'T T THAT COMPLICATED. Take those pants and this shirt is perfect" jimin said exhausted

"Okay..thank you. You can go to the car I'll take my bag and leave. "

Sometimes I'm jealous of Jimin because she sees everything so simple and easy. I took my bag and locked the house.

After 30 minutes we arrived to some house I've never seen before and it really wasn't much peaceful. I've heard from Seungyoun that he didn't invite much people and the "party" will be something between friends and that's all. It didn't seemed like that.

"I hoPe yoU gOT mE sOmeThiNg !!" me and Jimin heard a yell and at that moment we realized it was Seungyoun.

"What took you so long?" he said while he hugged each one of us.

"Guess who wasn't 'rEAdy'? "jimin said a little annoyed.

"But you look cool Miyoung! Why don't you come inside and drink something?"
I smiled and went inside the house.

Like he said there weren't many people but it was so loud and fun. We danced for like a hour until some guy stopped the music.

"Why don't we stop dancing and do something fun?" he said.

"You just stopped the fun, what else can we do, Hansol?" some random guy said

The Hansol guy stepped down the table he was on and lifted his shoulders.

The atmosphere has calmed down and I was talking with Jimin until she said that some friend of her named Kino needs help so I was left alone.

I went to Seungyoun and he was with those boys that i saw before.

"Hi!" I greeted cheerily

"Oh! Miyoung..they are Hangyul and Yohan. Hangyul, Yohan she's one of my friends Miyoung"

"Nice to meet you" I smiled

"Nice to meet you, Seungyoun actually talks about you a lot " Hangyul said shaking hands with me.

"Oh..really? " I giggled looking into Seungyoun's eyes
"We've been friends for so long how couldn't he." I laughed together with Seungyoun.
"Also I saw you last night..and congratulations!" I said turning to Yohan and Hangyul

"That's sweet of you thank you" Yohan said showing his bunny teeth.

I smiled and Yohan and Hangyul turned their backs to get some drinks.

"I already like them."

"You like everyone." He looked down at me. I pouted.

"It was a're sad already? " he laughed at me.

"Piss off.."

"How are you?" he asked me

"I am alright but the question is how are you after the final.."

"I'm fine..more like happy. But what happened back home that you came so late?"

"Why are you changing the subject? The final is more important, spill the tea! " I said a little louder not understanding why does is he still asking about me.

"I didn't see you in like forever. I only want to know HOW ARE isn't that hard to answer.." he said being a little sulky.

"I'm sorry, I am doing fine but the most I am worried about you.."

Hello!This is my first trying to write something like a fan fiction but please appreciate it and if you want to tell me something about the story please let me know in the comments
Thank you for reading! :>

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