Chapter 5

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November 22nd, 2019

The diner door ringed as a girl entered rushing toward the counter.

"What happened after I left?" Chaeryeong slammed on the counter and immediately voiced.

Ryujin who was cleaning some cups and arranging them looked her bestie. "Well, hello to you too I guess. And yes work is going great."

Chaeryeong heavily sighed. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'm curious as to why she stayed so long. She stayed longer than I did which is absurd." Chaeryeong had a sudden thought. "Oh my god."

"What?" Ryujin asked.

"...Do you think she's trying to replace me?"

Ryujin looked at Chaeryeong like she had never looked at her before. Extremely dumbfounded.

"Hear me out. This is like the perfect drama. You and I are like the bestest of friends but then this old pen pal of yours comes along all jealous and she's like 'step away from my best friend' then I'm like 'no she's my best friend!' Then there's this whole conflict about you being in the middle and oof, ain't that a drama worth being in?"

Ryujin held the bridge of her nose with her index and thumb. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today. No wait. I take that back. In my entire life."

"You can't deny that there's a possibility at least." Chaeryeong pointed out.

"You know what? Fine. But that possibility is lower than winning the lottery just saying."

"Alright fine." Chaeryeong frowned. "But seriously, what happened after I left?"

Ryujin casually said, "I took her back to my place."

Chaeryeong became enthusiastic giving her a suggestive look. "Ryujin you sly girl you. I always knew you had it in you." She smirked.

Ryujin's cheeks turned a slight pink. "N-no you dummy!" She bonked Chaeryeong on her head. "And what do you mean 'you always knew'?!"

Chaeryeong hysterically laughed before pointing at her best friend. "Oh my god you should have seen the look on your face. For second, I thought you actually got in there when you began to blush."

"No you loonatic! I just showed her the letters but that still didn't do anything."

Chaeryeong was puzzled. "What do you mean that didn't do anything?"

"I found out she has retrograde amnesia. She slipped and can't remember anything before that accident."

Chaeryeong's brain exploded. "No wonder she doesn't remember you. All this time I thought she was just being a selfish bit--"

"Language!" Ryujin pointed toward a family with kids.

"... bitter girl."

Ryujin advanced the story. "There wasn't much else that happened. She saw the letters, couldn't remember anything, her manager found her and our time together was cut short."

"Aww but this ain't how dramas are suppose to end. She was suppose to remember right then and there then you guys just get it on and make love to make up for the time that you missed--"

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