Chapter 3

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November 12th, 2019

There was a long line of people all single file with props and gifts in hand waiting at their turn to sit down in front of Yuna. They had a good distribution of boys and girls and among them was a raven haired girl looking absolutely nervous. All Ryujin had was an album and a few of her letters on her all in a bag.

Even though she was waiting in her seat, she still couldn't believe she made it into the fansign. Granted, she did spent 2 extra digits too many than what she would have liked to but she wanted to get that 99% guarantee she would get in. It was a damn good thing she was good at customer service because those tips helped a lot.

The night before she had trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned trying to find the cold side every so often. She kept playing multiple scenarios in her head about how to start the conversation with Yuna, let alone how to approach her. She looked up other fan's experiences for fansigns and tried to mentally prepare herself for what was coming but she knew she would never be fully ready.

Ryujin had a long way to go, she was literally the last one in line during the fansign. Just looking at Yuna from now standing in the line queue made Ryujin's stomach twist. She took note how Yuna smiled at her fans so gratefully. Yuna's eyes always maintained eye contact and only looked down to write in the album. She was attentively listening to every word that came out of her fans' mouths. Ryujin could tell all her fans melted the minute Yuna looked at them with a smile.

There's a rush of heat flooding Ryujin's cheeks as she stepped closer to being next. She would step out of line a little bit to get a better view of Yuna. As she was getting closer, Ryujin noticed how much prettier she was getting and she just thought it was unfair.

Before she knew it she was up next and she felt like her soul was about to leave her body. As much as she wanted the person in front of her to take her time, she also wanted her to just leave already. As she thought that, Yuna smiled and waved goodbye to the fan she was talking to then turned her attention to Ryujin. The raven haired girl was paralyzed for a moment when they locked eyes. Yuna sent her trademark smile toward Ryujin and just like she anticipated, she wasn't ready at all.

Ryujin took the seat in front of Yuna while also handing Yuna her album. Ryujin didn't know what she was doing, her body was on autopilot.

Yuna greeted first with a smile, "Hi what's your name?"

"Shin Ryujin." Ryujin answered back. "And yours?"

Ryujin slapped herself in her mind. Hello? Earth to Ryujin, what kind of question was that? "AnD yOurs?" she mimicked. Of course you know her name, everyone here knows her name. Ryujin's nerves were kicking into high gear.

Ryujin looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry that was a dumb--"

Yuna placed her hand on top of Ryujin's trying to dispel any nerves her fan had. Yet this did quite the opposite as Ryujin's cheeks tinted pink and made her even more of a wreck. "Don't worry about it. It was cute." Followed by her smile.

"Can she stop being so cute for one goddamn second, I'm trying not to explode." Ryujin thought.

"I'm looking at your question in your album, and I'm a bit stumbled. I can't say this is a question I expected." Yuna was being honest but something about that honesty didn't feel right Ryujin.

Chaeryeong warned Ryujin about her question. Usually fans ask questions that answers what they're most curious about. Something along the lines of their hobbies, other interests, and what ifs scenarios. Then there are also the occasional boyfriend/girlfriend questions where the fans ask questions like "If we were on a date, where would you pick to be the most happy?" and the idols respond with cheesy line such as "Anywhere as long as I'm with you." But who cares if it was cheesy, fans loved it. So for Yuna to receive a questions about ever having a past pen pal, she was a little bit intrigued.

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