Chapter 7

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April 16th, 2020

It had been a few months since Ryujin started her training. She had went through it all, the singing, the dancing, the rapping. From this experience, she learned she excelled at rapping and her voice just fit the tone just right. Don't discredit her singing and dancing though, Ryujin could do it all and extremely well too.

Chaeryeong also was able to train alongside Ryujin and she discovered her talents as well. Her dancing was unbelievably sharp and well executed. Her singing was strong yet soft. She didn't rap much but there was no doubt that she could do it wonderfully.

On their break, Ryujin and Chaeryeong wanted to get some Gong Cha. They loved going to a shop nearby to get their beloved milk tea with pearls. They'd spend their time there a lot as trainees as it was the first place they decided to try in LA. So much so, the workers there knew their order and somewhere down the line started giving them discounts.

As they were enjoying their time Ryujin and Chaeryeong were cut off mid sentence when the television screen hanging on the wall showed some Kpop news. They were highlighting none other than Yuna. After her big concert in December, just like everyone expected, she took off in popularity. The news was covering her tour and what an outstanding achievement it was to go on tour that early on in her career.

Chaeryeong looked to Ryujin with concern. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ryujin weakly grinned.

After that unfulfilled promise, Ryujin never really talked about Yuna again. It wasn't that she disliked or hated Yuna, she just didn't want to be reminded of what happened, or rather, what didn't happen. Her name was somewhat taboo, because once it was said in the presence Ryujin, she could feel the pain she felt that same day.

Seeing how the news didn't change subjects, Ryujin got up. "I'm going to go get ready for my vocal training. I'll see you later."

Chaeryeong wanted to keep her friend here to talk more but she knew it'd be best to let Ryujin go. She understood it wasn't easy for Ryujin to handle herself once Yuna's name pops up.

While walking back, Ryujin reminisced about the times back in Korea. From the way she saw her on TV, to the fansign, motorcycle ride, and even the park. Despite her will to avoid thinking about her, she had these moments she'd sometimes think back on. It stung her heart like a needle but above all the pain, she could sometimes smile thinking about it.

Once she entered the studio, the trainer greeted her and they went to work. Before they start anything, she warmed up her sweet vocal cords to prepare. The training was going well. The trainer was extremely impressed and had little feedback and criticism to give Ryujin. This made Ryujin feel good as she felt like she's been coming a long way since her training in December.

Now they went into a recording booth because that too was a part of the training. The trainer had the same points, there wasn't much of issues occurring and that made Ryujin relieved. Being in a recording booth just made her more nervous because now they could record and listen to her voice again. Yet she managed to stay consistent. Her training continued to go well and she finished early due to how well she was doing.

Before she left, the trainer handed her an envelope. "I was told to give this to you once your training was done for the day."

Ryujin looked at the envelope. She didn't have the slightest clue as to what it could be. Was it possible, they tell their trainees they're going to debut this way? No. That would be odd especially through a note. Or maybe it was a guide about the rules idols have to follow? Instead of thinking about it for long she opened it.

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