Chapter 6

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December 1st, 2019


Many Yunaverse were taking their seats, all filing in the concert stadium one by one. Much of the noise accumulated from everyone's voices drowning out any silence. As more fans piled in, the endless white noise only got louder, eventually seeping through the backstage walls.

Yuna checked the time. Only a few more minutes until showtime. She prayed and hoped they start exactly on time, she couldn't afford to waste any more time tonight. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. On the surface, people may mistake Yuna's nervousness due to the concert but Yuna was nervous for something else. Or rather, someone else.

There was a hanging weight over her head when she thought about the promise she made. She kept thinking of the consequences if she didn't make it. The one thing she hoped was to see Ryujin again. She finally got her memory back and she'd want to meet Ryujin this time for real this time.

Yuna's manager gave her a thumbs up. This made Yuna smile and little more relaxed. Ultimately Yuna told her manager the situation and gave in to this dilemma. Her manager has always been a sucker for these types of stories. So the manager made the agreement to immediately take Yuna to Cherry Park when the concert finished. On top of that, she'd do her best to make sure the concert started on time.

And by the magic of her manager, the concert opened up with Yuna's song at the tick of 9:00pm.

A platform rose Yuna from beneath the stage along with her dancers.

In a cheerful tone Yuna's opened with, "Hi everyone!"

The crowd erupted seeing their favorite idol finally take the stage. Many fans were jumping up and down and all of them got up from their seat. Some were hyper and ready while others were emotional and tearing up.

The intro ended, and Yuna finally broke out into the first song of the set.

December 1st, 2019


Ryujin stood up from the floor and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Well, it looks like that's everything." she thought while she was looking at her luggage. "Only thing that's left is—" Ryujin switched her attention to a piece of paper on her table. "—the park."

Ryujin picked up the piece of paper and read it over again. She let out a deep breath trying not to think of the what ifs. She folded the paper and put it on the inside of her jacket.

"Hey, are you ready?" Chaeryeong asked from the doorway with luggage ready as well.

"I think so." Ryujin didn't sound too excited and it seemed like her mind was else where.

Chaeryeong walked over and suddenly hugged Ryujin tight. "Everything's gonna be alright."

Ryujin reciprocated the hug very softly and thought to herself, "I hope so."

December 1st, 2019


Yuna was nearing the end of her concert. She had already sang the fake ending song that teases the fans that the concert is over. Now the true ending songs were happening after she changed into her merchandise and a more casual outfit.

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