Chapter 4

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November 21st, 2019

"Order up!"

Ryujin collected the plates from the kitchen window. She placed it on the counter. The food was still sizzling and there was a tiny draft of steam coming from the entree.

"You know, I still can't believe you got into the fansign and I didn't," Chaeryeong said.

Ryujin was busy serving other plates to customers but kept her conversation. "How many did you buy again?" She asked as she smiled to her customers.

"Like 50."

"Maybe you did something mean, maybe it's karma," Ryujin suggested.

"Karma? Karma for what? I punch like a cat what harm can I do?"

Ryujin shrugged. "I dunno.. I've heard some things..." Ryujin teased.

"From who? Oh it must have been that bitch."

Ryujin motioned her body as she made a point. "See what I mean?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm quite charming."

Ryujin rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you are."

"Hey! Alright Ms. i-hAve-BeEn-sCoutEd." Chaeryeong teased back.

"I still can't believe that happened the same night." Ryujin wanted to take the conversation back a little more seriously.

"What do you plan to do?"

"I think I'll take it. I've worked here a bit too long and it'd be a nice change." Ryujin was sincere and Chaeryeong could tell she had some faith in this decision. "Plus if Yuna doesn't show, it'll help that I'm on a plane within the hour to get my mind off things."

"I hope she does." Chaeryeong frowned. "I'll support you all the way! Who knows, maybe you'll be more popular than Yuna one day." Chaeryeong teased.

Ryujin playfully smacked Chaeryeong's arm. Then the door bell jingled as someone entered the diner. Chaeryeong was mid bite of her food when she caught a glance at the entrance. She almost choked and started panicking. Ryujin noticed and began panicking too.

"Oh my god, are you choking?!" Ryujin exclaimed.

Chaeryeong was trying to motion not to worry about her and tried pointing at the person at the door though Ryujin wasn't getting the gist.

"You want me to leave? Oh! Oh! You want me to leave and get help! Got it!" Ryujin dashed toward the door to only immediately stop in front of a tall red head blocking her way. "Excus- Oh."

Ryujin turned back around to look at Chaeryeong who wasn't choking anymore and was now facepalming. Ryujin slowly turned her head back to the person in front of her.

"Welcome." She had an embarrassed smile on.

Yuna tried hiding her laughing after witnessing that spectacle. "Thanks for the memory." She teased.

"Have a seat anywhere you'd like." Ryujin recollected herself and now was back to worker Ryujin mode.

Yuna obliged and walked on over to a booth. She opened up the menu and began scouting the menu.

Chaeryeong whispered to Ryujin who were both trying to look inconspicuous, "That's her right?"

"Yeah. I recognize that pretty face anywhere."

Chaeryeong rose a brow at Ryujin. "You never call me pretty."

"You're my best friend! Like I need to say it all the time!"

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