He s Cute

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Warnings: foul language,
Words 810
   "Come on everyone needs a slut" burnt bastard walks in the room. Toga looks disappoint. "Dabi is that all I am to you" Toga Turns away from him and crosses her arms playfully. "Of corse not babe" Dabi grabs her arm. Toga starts kissing him. "God get a room you two" boss looks down. "Come on boss you like him don't you just try it out" Dabi smirks. The boss rolls his eyes. "Oh not up for the challenge" nice one Dabi. "It's true though" I add in. He looks at me, flipping both me and Dabi off Boss pick up his new pet. He turns back and gives a 'don't fuck bother me or all kill you' look. "Tomara we'll talk fucking later" And with that he walks down the long hallway to his room.

Kacchan POV

He so small and cute. He doesn't Weigh much. He's only like twelve fuck. Tomara gave me a child to rape. It 2am fuck what was he doing out so late it was even fucking raining. I lay him down on my bed and grab a hoodie for him. I take off is shirt he's shivering. Shit... how did he get these scars. I run my hand down his largest scar. He got barely notice able abs but he's also super fucking skinny. His green hair is still wet but it's soft and curly. I untie him from the restraints he had on.

I get in bed and pull the covers over us after I finish changing him. I can feel him shiver. I slowly wrap my arm around him and pull him closer. I feel my cheeks heat up. Fuck this kid if only he was more my age maybe 15 or some where around that.

Time Skip next morning

   I guess all try and keep him here, I'm not fucking weak. I can handle it. What was he even doing out in the rain at 2 in the fucking morning. Why does he have so many scars. Was he abused, bulled or in a serious accident. I need to know I need to protect him. Wait this isn't what I should be thinking. He's just a kid I can't love him like that. But thinking about me pounding into his sma~... NonONonONo I can't think that. I guess I'm just horny and want someone to love.

  "Ahhh where am I" his voice is even so cute. He's freaking out now oh god what do I do. "Tch calm down" I say coldly. "No I-i need to go home" he's almost crying. "Hey I thought I told you to calm fuckin down" I walk closer to him. He's in my bed, he shakes more as I get closer.

   "Hey why were you out in the rain... at 2 in the morning" my voice is softer then before. "I was... I was looking for my mom she didn't come home last night. I have to find her" he runs toward the door I step in front of it. He starts to fall... I barely catch him but fall in the process, he lands on to my stomach. I feel my cheeks heat up. I didn't notice before he has so many freckles they look like stars. "I'm sorry" he said still laying on my chest. I pat his back softly then pick him up bride stile and put him back on the bed.

   His face grows red did he catch a cold. I pull his face close up to mine. "What are you doing" he stumbled over his words. I put my forehead on his. Shit my cheeks heat up to. "You have a fever stay here". I cover him with the blanket. "Stay here all be back in an hour". He looks tired and scared.

   "Wait" he sits up, I walk to him. "I said lay down" I starts to push him down. "No I have to fined my mom please let me go" he looks so desperate, he must love his mom. I pushes him down completely. "Ok give me ten" he nods. Before I leave I wipe a stray tear off his freckled cheek.

   I walk out to the main room. I start cooking for the kid. "Hey so how did it go, I heard no screaming... or moaning" Dabi that bitch. "He has a cold" he snickers "can't fuck or torture him with a cold, wow how nice". I scowl at him "he's a fucking kid I can't fuck him" I angrily grab some aspirin and the small bowl of Raman I made him. I walk back to my room. Fuck why am I so mad about this.

🖤I really don't like this chapter for some reason, but it's okay. Please stay safe and thank ya for reading🖤


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