
521 12 1

Warnings: Foul language
Words: 750
That's so cool "what does your company do???". He chuckles at my curiosity. "Well it not actually mine but my family's we're fashion and modeling company". That's amazing I wanna hear more, but. "Hehe I did modeling when I was away" he looks surprised. "Really" I hum to say yes.

Kacchan POV

After Deku and I finish cleaning up I hear him yawn. Even though it felt amazing it was very tiring but damn I must have been pent up.  I came in him so much. If he was a girl he would have gotten pregnant. I peek at Deku who is sitting on my bed, the nerds on wearing one of my oversized shirts. He also only has boxers on underneath, since his clothes were so ripped up I just threw them away. Kirishima is on his way with more clothes for Deku.

"Kacchan it's cold come cuddle with me" he pleads. But I'm hungry, god Izuku probably is starving. "Hey when's the last time you ate anything" he looks grimy down at his feet. "I don't want to talk about it" he yawns halfway through saying that. I've tried to feed him but he just wasn't hungry. "Well then I'm going to make us some food" he smiles "I'm not really hungry" he covers himself in more blankets. "Bullshit you need to eat... even if it only a little... please" he needs to eat I know it's been awhile. I'm worried he is really skinny to but not to bad, I guess it's because his dad was having him work.

"Okay ll"l eat for Kacchan" his smile warms my heart, I really love this boy. "Good" I walk out of the room I'm making some food that's easy on the stomach. "Hey Bakubro here is the small cloths you wanted... but why did you want them". Ah Kirishima my right hand man. "Thanks shitty hair I need them for a person..." I grab me and dekus food and head for my room along with the cloths shitty hair brought. "Well ok but I want to meet this person some time maybe you could hook me up with them" fuck you hair for brains he's mine.

Walking into my room I see Deku laying of the bed. I bring our food to the desk near the bed. He lazily sits up, I hand him the small plate. He ends up pushing himself and eats all the food.

"Hey, I got you some new clothes... go change into them okay" I hand him some pajamas. "Hmm no" did this fucker just denied me. "The fuck go put them on" it was a lot of work to sneak those here. He pouts "no" he turns around, "the fuck... why not". He blushes and whisper something I couldn't hear. "What's That Deku" I say in his ear, "I don't want to. Kacchan shirt is comfortable and smells nice". Oh that's why "fine" I put the clothes in my dresser.

Deku gets up and wraps his arms around me "Kacchan warm and smells nice" he is so adorable. I play his fluffy longer hair. "You need a hair cut" he lets go "you don't like my hair longer" he huffs playfully. "Of corse I love your hair buttttttt it does look better short and curly, if you want to keep it like this though I'm not against it" his long hair almost makes him look like a girl. And it's less curly it takes away from his cuteness. "Nah I want a hair cut" even though your cute with your long hair and is fun to play with I think short is better on you. All the evidence points to shot hair.. "We can cut it tomorrow and we need to get more clothes as well" shit for brains only got like two outfits.

I walk in to the bathroom to get a brush for dekus hair. His hairs a mess it's kinda cute though. "Ok-" I hear a loud thump "Deku you alright" I call after I hear the thumping noise. Walking out do the bathroom I see Deku in the floor. "Deku" I run over to him dropping the brush in the process, I pick him up, putting him on the bed. I run to get any doctor in the area. Oh god I probably exhausted him. What if he dies, if he dies all kill that shit of a father

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