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I woke up the next morning completely naked and Dylan was next to me asleep I felt like shit looking down at my phone when it turned on the brightness was all the way up making the headache I had 15x worse than it was before getting up out of bed carefully not to wake Dylan and shuffle to find my clothes I feel like I'm going to vomit running to the bathroom and hovering over the toilet vomiting my guts out a hot sour clear orange liquid coming out of my mouth ugh I hated vomiting

Dylan: "Cassie you okay?" He said groggily

I finished vomiting cleaning myself up
"Yeah I'm just hungover that's all"

Dylan: "yeah you went really hard on the liquor last night yesterday was crazy"

"I don't remember much about yesterday"

Dylan: "I think you have an idea of what happened" he said with a smirk

"Haha yea I should probably get home I feel really sick"

Dylan: "Tanya should be downstairs you shouldn't walk"

I wash my mouth out and give Dylan a kiss before making my way downstairs I find Tanya she's putting empty bottles and trash in trash bags

Tanya: "Need a ride?"

"Yeah I do"

Tanya: "Okay c'mon"

I followed Tanya out to the driveway where her car was we got inside and starter driving not long after I got home and I walked in


"I don't see why you give a damn on where I've been you dont give a single fuck about me you never take care of me you never feed me and you certainly don't do shit for Sammy all the money I make from my job goes to him and I because all you do is hoe around working the corner no wonder dad left you"

She slapped me across the face

Mom: "don't you ever talk to me like that ever again!"

I take my fist and blow her straight in the nose she fell onto the floor holding her bleeding nose

"I do whatever I desire you ain't my mother anymore"

I said while kicking her in the abdomen and walking upstairs she was on the floor crying I get to my room and grab a bag I start to pack all of my belongings when Sammy walks in

Sam: "what happened to mom?" He asked with a concerned look on his face and then he took a long sniff
"And why do you smell like booze and barf?"

"It's a really long story I got into another fight with mom tho and said some fucked up shit to her" I explained to Sammy not feeling one bit of sorry for the crying mess on the floor downstairs

Sam:"oh so is that why you're leaving ?"

"Yeah I'm leaving this hellhole I don't want a prostitute for a mother that's nasty"

Sam: "Oh okay" Sammy was rubbing his forearm his sleeve went up a little bit and I saw marks some were long and red others were tiny and scars
I just thought it was a sports injury so I just swept it off it was suspicious to me Sammy only wore long sleeves or hoodies he would never wear his jersey for kickball or anything it worried me but if Sammy were doing something like that he would come to me for help

I continued to pack while talking with Sam

Sam: so how was your night with Dylan

"So Dylan a group of friends and I got drunk as hell we got crazy played spin the bottle smoked weed we ate everything at the party shortly after and then Dylan and I went up to his room away from the party" I whispered to Sammy
"Dylan and I fucked"

Sam: "whoaaaaaahhhh" he said laughing hard "was he good?"

"I don't remember but yeah I think so"

Sammy and I were laughing hard just like I was laughing the night before with my group of new friends

"So uh Sammy what did you and mom do when I was gone"

He went silent for about a minute "Oh uhh she um" he stuttered

"C'mon Sam you can talk to me" I said while putting a tuft of his soft brown hair behind his ear

He started crying
"She said the most reckless things about you and I"

I rolled my eyes it wasn't surprising that she did Sammy was in so much pain she must've gone too far this time Sammy almost never cries

"Imagine having to wait 9 months and in agonizing pain to have a son like you I didn't even want to birth you I should've listened to the people who told me to abort you I should've aborted you and Cassiopeia " "I didn't raise you to be like this" he continued on "I hate you and your sister with a strong passion"
"She's a little slut I know she snuck out to see some boy"
Sammy repeated what my mother had told Sammy the night before

I didn't understand Sammy was the nicest kid I've ever met he would always help my mom when she needed it I was furious with that woman what was I thinking leaving my baby brother here to be abused

I heard glass breaking Sammy and I jumped at the sudden sound


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