The Party

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After the 3:30 bell rung I went down to collect my stuff down in my locker since it was a new locker combination I was having trouble memorizing it
While i'm fidgeting with the dial I felt a hand on my shoulder scaring me I turn around slocking the person in the face with my lock "AH SHIT" they groaned in pain while they fell to the floor. Pulling my hair out of my face I see that I had struck Dylan in the face on accident "Dylan holy shit I'm so sorry" I say while helping him up "Is it bleeding?" he asked while pulling his hand away from his face Seeing that it was swollen and purple and a few droplets of blood were falling onto the ground "hold tight let me get my stuff and I'll take you down to my place so I can help you with that" I told Dylan while thinking to myself
"Am I actually gonna take a dude to my house?"
"Okay fine but please hurry up this shit hurts like hell" Dylan said
I get my things out of my locker and I start walking down the hallway with Dylan walking by my side
I walk down the street having a conversation with Dylan running into Eva and her group at the crosswalk

Eva:"I didn't know ya'll were a thing she said pointing at the both of us"

Nora:Awww Dylan finally found himself a wifey! You guys are so cute

"Oh haha we aren't dating" I told them
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Dylan still holding the swollen side of his face while slightly smiling

Gabriel: "Holy shit man what happened to your face you good?"

Dylan: "Yeah i'm good Cassie just threw a lock at me that's pretty much it"

"I didn't throw it you scared me!" I said playfully shoving him

"Mhm okay if you say so" Dylan replied

"I'm gonna go buy the booze from the 7-eleven in the valley for tonight what you want me to bring?" Gabe told Dylan

"You're gonna go to the 7-eleven in the hood? Damn you really dont give a fuck and just bring what you think will get everyone fucked up"

"The hood booze hit different tho and I guess I'll bring the usual hennessey,Jack Daniels,Bacardi,And the beers which you prefer the Coronas or the Blue moon?" Gabe said with a smirk

"Bring the liquor and bring Heineken other beers are trash" Dylan told Gabe

"Let's go Dylan I said while tugging on his backpack

"Damn why are you in such a rush?" Nora Asked me

"Don't worry about it" I replied to her
Dylan and I walked away while I heard Eva whisper to her friends
Eva:"they finna fuck"
I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I finally got to my front door unlocked it and let Dylan inside
"Thats a cute ass dog" he said pointing at Georgie my Bichon Frise
we went upstairs to my bedroom bathroom I sat him up on the counter and got some ice to calm the swelling grabbing some medical spray to seal the cut that the lock had made when I dragged it across his face. I wrap my legs around his waist and sat myself on his lap facing frontwards I could feel his dick getting hard I look down to see a bulge in his pants
Laughing I look up at him and ask "Are you enjoying this?" "very much" he said while wrapping his arms around my hips and grabbing a handful of my ass I put my lips on his we started making out we were doing this for about a minute till I open my eyes for a second to see Sammy standing in the doorway of the bathroom I pulled away from Dylan wiping my lips with my arm "Sammy why are you here?" I ask
Sam: "Mom's gonna kill you if she finds out you were doing this"

"She's not unless you snitch and you won't" I say while reaching into my pocket to pull out 20 bucks to bribe Sammy

"Your secret is safe with Me" Sam said while taking the 20 dollars out of my hand and walking out

"I should go home but are you coming to the party tonight?" Dylan asked

"I'll sneak out what's your number?"

"Okayy I see you finna sneak out" he said while putting his number into my phone

Not long after he left

Its 9:30 just got out of the shower and I'm putting my hair into space buns having I make myself look pretty I have a whole plan in how I'm going to sneak out then I hear someone knock on my door panicking thinking its my mom whos going to come in and see that I'm getting ready to go out and ask where I'm going I yell
"It's Sam open the door" he said while shaking the door knob

I open it up for him

"Where are you going?" he asked

"To see Dylan" I replied

"Your boyfriend?"

"No he's not my boyfriend"
"Then why were you guys kissing in the bathroom earlier today?"

"I honestly don't know but do you have a crush on someone?" I ask Sam with a smirk

"This one girl has my attention" Sammy replied

"Oooh tell me"

Then my phone chimed it was Dylan
"My friend Tanya is just around the corner she'll take you to the party"
"Tell me later Sammy I gotta go now"

I snuck out through the window and into the driveway Tanya was parked out front I scurried into the car quickly in fear that my mom would see me getting into a random car
she started driving
Tanya:"so what's your name?"

"My name is Cassiopeia

"What kind of name is that?" she asked with a weird expression on her face

"It's a constellation named after a greek queen" I replied

"Ohhh ok" she said

We finally pulled up to Dylan's house there was a lot of people out front drinking beers and juuling mostly juniors and sophomores but there were a few freshman's and senior's we head inside it's fucking insane theres girls twerking people playing spin the bottle and drinking from the keg I go to find Dylan in the crowd eventually I find him in a group they're all laughing and drunk its Eva,Nora,Gabe,Jayden,Bryan,and Dylan I walk over to them
Dylan: Hey Cassie how's it going?
He seemed pretty sober compared to the rest of them

"Im good how'd you buy all this alcohol? you're not 21"

"I usually have Gabe buy all the booze he knows a guy"

"Oooh okay"

"Wanna do tequila shots?" Jayden came up to us and asked

"hell yes" most of the group said

I was so nervous I've never drank alcohol before but I always wanted to try it
Bryan poured the shots and we all had one shot
One turned into two
Two turned into four
Four turned into six It was so nasty but there was something about it that made me crave more and more so I just said "fuck it" and I took the bottle and drank it straight out of there

"Oh shitt" everyone chanted

Then Nora whispered in my ear and said "you're gonna hate yourself in the morning and then she walked away"

Dylan and I were so drunk that we ditched the party and went up to his bedroom He pushed me onto his bed and locked the door

...lets just say we had a great time that night

A/n: This was the longest chapter I wrote and it was pretty fun to write this how are you liking the story so far???

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