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I woke up in Sammy's bed with his favorite stuffed animal in my arms it was a stuffed dinosaur I rolled over to view the clock

"I have 3 more hours to sleep" I said while rolling back over


I jolted up at the loud sound I my heart racing my heartbeat was banging in my ears

Then I remembered

I got out of Sammy's bed crawled silently hoping the floors wouldn't creak over to his dresser opening the front drawers reaching in and grabbing the pocketknife he had bought when our dad flew us over to Cancún I grabbed it and crawled under the bed I heard shuffling downstairs

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered so silent you could barely hear me
I got out from under the bed and went to the stairs sitting myself behind the rail texting the group

Cassie: "I think there's someone in my house"

*Jayden is typing*

She was typing for a while but there was no response

"I guess I'll check it out myself"

Grabbing the knife off the floor I got up and walked down the stairs turning on the light in the kitchen hallway


Jayden: "Cassie I need your help please!"

"What happened are you okay?"

Jayden: "I got kicked out of my parents house

"What's wrong what happened?"
She started crying her eyes out

Jayden:"I g-got kicked out of m-my parents house" she said in between sobs

"Awh man it's okay Jay you can stay here with me!"

Jayden: "Cassie you're so nice but are you sure?"

"Why not I wanna have someone here with me I ain't used to being alone for long periods of time" I said holding my arms out for a hug she dove into my arms and cried on my shoulder

Jayden: "No ones ever been this nice to me thank you so much"

"Oh no problem!"

Jayden: "Also I knocked over a pot by the front door sorry..."

I laughed "It's okay It was my mothers I couldn't care less about it"

We walked into the living room and laid down on both the couch

"So Jayden how you've been feeling lately?"

Jayden: "Not so well I miss Gabe I want him back but it's really difficult for me to trust him I've been fighting a lot with my parents Skylar tried to stab me..."

"What the hell..."

Jayden: "I've been able to get through it tho a few bands have helped me get my anger out"

"Oooh you should try "Hole" they make great music"

Jayden: "Isn't the lead singer bitchy as hell?"

"I mean Courtney may not have a great reputation but shes an amazing woman"

We listened to Violet by Hole and had a great time till the both of us eventually fell asleep

14 days later...

Jayden: "Bye Cassie You've helped me so much Love ya girl!" I watched as she walked out the door with all her belongings she had bought her own apartment that means I'm living alone once again... I locked the front door and walked upstairs slowly pushing the door open to my bedroom and curled up on my bed
Stage 4 Depression 

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