I'm sorry

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*Timeskip* 1 year
I woke up pretty early,my friends and I skipped school yesterday we were now sophomores it's a Wednesday after I had seen what day I groaned and pulled my covers back over my head

2 hours later...
I woke up to the smell of pancakes getting out of bed slowly and walking downstairs I see Sammy has been making breakfast our dad had taught him that recipe

Sam: hey Cassie want some pancakes?

"Sure why not"

I grabbed a plate and took 2 fluffy pancakes 

"Pass me the whipped cream"

Sammy reached into the fridge and tossed the bottle of whipped cream towards me I caught it and put a fuckton of whipped cream on my pancakes and ate them

Sam: remember the girl I told you that had my attention?
He said with a smirk on his face

"Uh yeah?"

Sam:"Well I'm dating her" he said laughing

"Your kidding for real?! What's her name"

Sam:"Her name is Maddie"

"Okkk Sammy I see you already dating in 7th grade"

Sam:"Haha yeah although she was with some other guy last year so I kinda just lost hope y'know but then I got my chance"

"That's pretty cool"

Sam:"Enough of me how's you and Dylan?"

"We're good we've been together for about a year now so that's cool" I said with a warm smile

I looked down at my phone and saw the time
"You should start heading out for school before you're late"

Sam: "I don't wanna go"

"I think you have to"

Sam: "no I really don't want to go"

"What's wrong why are you being like this?" I was confused as hell why was he acting like this 

Sam: "You won't understand I don't think you can help me"

"I could probably help you if you would just tell me what the hell is happening"

Sam: "forget it don't worry about it," he said in an annoyed and loud tone

"Okay damn" I muttered under my breath

Shortly after I was out the front door with Sammy not long behind me we both skated away I finally reached school and went to go find my friends I found them

"Hey y'all"

Everyone: "you took forever"

"Yeah sorry Sammy was acting up"

Tanya: "Sammy being a bitch?! I don't believe it"

Dylan: "what was he doing?"

"He wasn't trying to leave like he was being really sus something is up with that kid and after I asked what was wrong he got annoyed and just left"

Nora: "I'm sure he's alright if I were you I'd leave him alone about that"

"Yeah I'll do that I don't wanna be that person who sticks their nose too far in someone's life"

The bell rang and we all went to class I walked with Dylan and Eva to English we all sat together the teacher hated us because we would never listen and mess around

Dylan: "why does Skylar keep on looking at me?"

Eva: "She's cool she just don't talk to anybody"

"We should invite her out one day"

Eva: "yeah she pretty fun once she can trust you"

Dylan whispered in my ear
"Wanna go out after school?"

"Yeah sure"

Eva: "I feel so single right now"

We all laughed quietly till class ended

*7 hours later*
School just ended I met up with my friends once again we all walked down the street laughing cracking dumb or sometimes lowkey rude jokes but we laughed hard at them then it turned into the guys joaning on each other

Gabe: "The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait."

Dylan: "Gabe shut the fuck up I'm sure Jayden hasn't even given you head and I've gotten laid before you all know this since y'all nasty pervs were holding your ears up to the door"

Jayden: "yeah sorry Gabe I gotta agree with Dylan I haven't done anything sexual with you because I just don't have feelings for you anymore I'm really sorry I don't think we can continue this"

Jayden walked away before Gabe could say anything else

Bryan: "holy shit"

"I have to go..." I pulled Dylan with me and walked away

Dylan: "I didn't think she would dump him"

"Should we stay with him?" I asked

Dylan: "it's Gabe he doesn't need a shrink and Bryan will stay with him"

I followed Dylan to where he wanted to take me we stopped at a skatepark it was huge there was so many obstacles and ramps
It was fucking amazing I pulled out my skateboard and stared skating around Dylan behind me
I had so much fun doing Ollies, Grinds,and Nollies
Dylan tried to teach me how to kickflip I went up in the air and fell on my ass

Dylan: "holy shit are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm alright" I said getting up laughing and brushing my ass off

I pulled Dylan in for a kiss he kissed back we were making out for about a minute before some kids came to the skatepark

Dylan: "we should go"

"Wanna chill at my house? I asked

Dylan: "sure"

We skated back to my house

I opened the front door walked in I locked the door behind me
Dylan sat down on the couch while I went into the pantry grabbed some sweet 'n' spicy doritos and sprite

I went up the stairs and motioned for Dylan to follow me as I went up the stairs Dylan and I heard a sound coming from Sammy's room as we got closer we heard moaning

Dylan: "goddamn who's filming a porno with your brother" he said giggling

"Pretty sure it's Maddie"

Sam: "Maddie I'm going to cum"

Dylan: "damn even Sammy is getting better head than Gabe is"

Maddie: "what the hell who's here?"

Dylan and I dove into my room a good 15 minutes later Sammy came into my room

Sam: "she was great y'know but next time don't be so fucking loud because I'm not laughing when you're getting you're cheeks clapped" he said giving Dylan the stink eye

Dylan: "wait what you can hear Cassie and I?" He said laughing

Maddie: "all the time I know because Sammy and I are asleep sometimes and was hear loud slapping its fucking nasty"

We jumped at the sudden voice

"Maddie hey! It's so nice to meet you"
It was a blonde girl with turquoise eyes she seemed pretty nice but really annoyed and I don't blame her since we walked in on her

Maddie: "uh huh okay same for you I guess I'm gonna leave now" she said backing out

She left

Sam: "You're an asshole Dylan" Sammy said madly while walking back to his room 

Dylan and I curled up under my blanket and watched Netflix I buried my face in the crook of his neck and fell asleep.

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