Oh No

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I'm zooming down the road on my skateboard hoping I don't hit a crack in the sidewalk and go flying
Finally get to the front entrance of my new school
"Cairo High School"I walked in through the front entrance and instantly hated everyone and everything
It was so ghetto the walls were vandalized with drawings of dicks the kids were rowdy and loud "uhh" looking down at my schedule for my first period
1:English (8:28 to 10:03)
2:Math (10:06 to 11:41)
3:P.E (11:44 to 12:14)
4:Lunch(12:17 to 1:52)
5:History:(1:55 to 3:30)
"Okay english cool" I said to myself

"Who tf are you talking to crazy"
This girl with blonde hair green eyes and glasses came up to me and asked

"Me myself and I and who are you??" I replied to the mysterious girl

"Oh shit sorry I'm Eva" she said while holding her hand out

"Um what are you doing?" I asked

We did some weird sideways high five

"Well imma head to class now"
I told Eva

"You're such a goodie goodie going to class on time or even showing up but I'll go anyway tho cuz it's the first day" she said

I made my way to class and found an empty seat in the back of the room just how I like it then Eva and 3 other people walk in a guy and 2 girls they all looked like they were friends with Eva walks in and seats herself next to me along with her other friends the teacher Mrs. Anderson finally walks in and takes attendance she calls out

"Here"a guy with an annoying voice said
"Skylar?" *no response* "SKYLAR??" The teacher said in a loud tone
"I'm here hoe"
"Watch your mouth young lady"
Mrs.Anderson told Skylar
"I couldn't give less of a crap on what you gotta say" she told Mrs.Anderson

Eva and her group started giggling then Mrs.Anderson looks over at us "Excuse me is something funny to you?"

"Yeah it's funny how Skylar disrespected you" Nora Said

Mrs.Anderson rolled her eyes and kept on going with attendance

"I'm here" I said a bit quietly

"What kind of cocksucking crackhead names they child Casserole?" A dude next to me asked

I laughed and said "Cassiopeia not casserole and my parents aren't crackheads they're overprotective that don't let let me make decisions for myself"

"Why don't you just not listen to them? Do crazy shit piss them off show them that you're in charge of yourself not them"

"Why would I do that"

"Don't know but come to my party tonight we'll get high down at my house it's at 10:00 or are you finna pussy out?"

"Ehhh i don't know about that my curfew is usually at 10:00"

"Fuck the curfew like I said you're in charge oh and I'm Dylan by the way"

"I'm casserole" I said with a dumb smile

"haha you coming to the party tho Casserole?"

"I'll see what I can do" I replied to Dylan with a smirk

A/n: wow you're still here reading my story! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and so sorry it's kinda boring but we'll get to the fun stuff soon! Chapter 3 in the works!

Teen Rebel 🤘🏻Where stories live. Discover now