the end

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*The Next Day*

I had already taken a shower and ate breakfast getting my backpack off the floor and out the front door Tanya and all my friends were waiting outside in her humongous Range Rover I walked up to her car annoyed that I had to wake up so early it was still pretty dark outside

Tanya: "Hey Cassie"

"Hello Tanya" I said while looking into the backseats I saw that Jayden was asleep leaning on Bryan's shoulder Nora was on her phone watching YouTube while Eva was sound asleep on Nora's lap few inches away from Nora's baby bump while Gabe and Dylan were in the very back
Gabe still asleep and Dylan playing with a rubix cube I put my things in the trunk grabbing some things to keep me occupied I opened the back seat and jumped into the seat where Gabe and Dylan were sitting

Dylan: "Hey" he said in a silent tone

"Hello" I said silently careful not to wake Jayden,Eva,and Gabe

Dylan: "It's way too early for this" he complained

Tanya: "Well I'm sorry that our destination is all the way across the fucking country!" She said loudly

Eva jolted up knocking Nora's phone out of her hands

Nora: "Eva what the fuck"

Eva let out a groan and madly snatched a pillow out of her backpack set it down back on Nora and fell back asleep

I turned back to Dylan

Dylan: "She's been such a bitch lately"

Gabe: "It's cuz she's been in a fight with her boyfriend" Gabe said groggily while rubbing the sleep away from his eyes

"Is that the reason why she's maybe wanting to go to Cali?"

Gabe: "Nah she's been wanting to go even before she got in an argument with her boyfriend"

Tanya: "I can hear ya'll and yes I want to go because I wanna get away from the dumbass people here"

We all quieted down after she had said that


We have been in the car for hours it was around 11:38pm Tanya seemed to be getting tired we were just entering Arkansas

"I think we should stop and continue tomorrow" I suggested"

Dylan: "Yeah Tanya why don't I drive us over to a hotel or something"

Tanya: "Fine" she said while pulling over to the side
Her and Dylan switched sides

We drove a good 30 minutes until we got to some bougie ass hotel

Eva: "I'm going raid the mini fridge and then dip"

Bryan: "I ain't sharing a room with none of ya'll

Gabe: "Imma beat my meat in the bathroom"

Nora: "Gabe that's fucking nasty"

We all laughed while hopping out of the car Tanya still seemed a little mad I checked myself into a one bed room walking into the room with georgie behind me I threw my bag onto the floor and flopped onto the bed pulling my macbook out from my backpack that I had thrown on the floor opening the laptop and started watching Netflix my eyes got heavy after a few hours as I drifted off to sleep tomorrow was going to be a long day

The next afternoon

Tanya had been driving all afternoon the others were just on their phones or doing some other thing

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